15 exercises to avoid loose arms after 50 years of age


Exercises You Can Do at Home That Will Help Keep Your Arms Strong

white sword

  • white sword
  • Content editor at OkDiario. Writing for blogs and digital content companies since 2007.

weapons They are one of the parts of the body that give the most information about the passage of time. with age, bark Loses elasticity and firmness, and fat and looseness accumulates in the area of triceps, giving rise to the dreaded “bat wings”. However, it is not inevitable, and can be prevented and combated with good nutrition, hydration, and exercise. So find out below 15 exercises to avoid loose arms after 50 years of age.

15 exercises to avoid loose arms

Exercise is essential to tone and strengthen the arm muscles, and thus prevents them from sagging and shrinking. Additionally, exercise improves blood circulation, oxygenation and elimination of toxins, which contributes to maintaining youthful, healthy skin.

You don’t need to go to the gym or use machines or weights to work out your arms. With a few simple exercises that can be done at home, with your body weight or with everyday objects, you can achieve amazing results. The important thing is to be consistent and exercise at least three times a week, for about 15 or 20 minutes.

Next we present to you 15 exercises to avoid loose arms after age 50, Which you can do anywhere and anytime. Remember to warm up before you start and stretch when you finish, and adjust the intensity and number of repetitions according to your level and progress.

  • push up: Place your hands and feet on the floor, and lower and raise your chest by bending and extending your arms.
  • Wealth: Place your hands on the edge of a chair or table, and lower and raise your body by bending and extending your arms.
  • biceps curl: Hold a bottle or book in each hand, and bring your hands toward your shoulders while bending and extending your arms.
  • shoulder press: Hold a bottle or book in each hand, and raise your arms above your head by extending and bending your arms.
  • side raises: Hold a bottle or book in each hand, and raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor, then lower them.
  • rowing: Hold a bottle or book in each hand, and bring your hands toward your chest, bending and extending your arms, leaning your trunk forward.
  • Triceps Kick: Hold a bottle or book in each hand, and walk your hands back, extending and bending your arms while leaning your trunk forward.
  • Arm circle: Extend your arms to the sides of your body and make circles with them, first forward and then backward.
  • boxing: Bend your elbows and bring your hands to chin level, and strike forward with each hand in turn, rotating your torso and legs.
  • outstretched arm: Extend your right arm in front, and then bring it over your left shoulder over your head, holding your elbow with your left hand. Hold the stretch for a few seconds, and then switch arms.
  • side plank: Place your right forearm and right foot on the floor, and lift your body into a straight line, extending your left arm toward the sky. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then change sides. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side, rest for a few seconds, and perform two more sets of 10 repetitions.
  • wrist extension: Hold a bottle or book in each hand, palms down and arms extended in front of your body. From this position, raise your hands up while bending your wrists, and then lower them while extending your wrists. Repeat this action 10 times, rest for a few seconds and do two more sets of 10 repetitions.
  • pull over: Lie face down on the floor or mat, bend your legs and support your feet. Hold a bottle or book with both hands and extend your arms above your head. From this position, bring the bottle or book close to your chest by bending your elbows and then return to the starting position by extending your arms. Repeat this action 10 times, rest for a few seconds and do two more sets of 10 repetitions.
  • elbow flexion: Stand with your back straight and your feet hip-width apart. Hold a bottle or book in your right hand, palm up and arm extended along your body. With your left hand, grab your right elbow and gently pull it to the left, feeling a stretch in your right arm. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then switch arms. Repeat the stretch twice with each arm.
  • hand abduction: Stand with your back straight and your feet hip-width apart. Hold a bottle or book in each hand, palms facing down and arms extended in front of your body. From this position, spread your arms out to the sides, forming a V with your body, and then bring them together in front of your chest, without colliding. Repeat this action 10 times, rest for a few seconds and do two more sets of 10 repetitions.

These are the 15 exercises we recommend to avoid sagging arms after age 50. Are Simple, but effective exercises that will help keep your arms strong, strong and beautiful, Don’t forget that exercise is only one part of caring for your arms, and you should also eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and protect your skin from the sun and external aggressions.

If you want to be inspired by some celebrities who have great arms despite their age, You can look at Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston or our Queen Letizia, who are mature women who maintain their bodies in an attractive way and especially something that is often difficult to maintain: strong arms. She is an example that with dedication, discipline, and good habits, you can have a healthy and attractive body at any age.

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