Adele Matthey always higher, Lola Darcy long cross champion…Find the weekend’s Nivernes sports news

Pole vaulter Adele Mathe breaks a new record, Lola Darcy champion of the Côte-d’Or on the long cross, Kosane Shooting Club in the bull’s eye… Get all the news from Nivernais clubs and athletes from 13 and 14 January.


Adele Matthey (CAEV) broke the Nièvre pole vault record. Pole vaulter Adele Mathe (Sercy-la-Tour Whitewater Athletic Club) set a new Nièvre record in all categories at the Universe Perche competition in Devoluy (Hautes-Alpes) on Saturday 13 January. Age combined, with a bar crossing at 3.65 metres. This is also the second best performance of the year by a female cadet.

premium price Pole vaulter Adele Mathey follows in the footsteps of her father and brother at Sercy-la-Tour

His brother Gabin Mathe, also at Devoluy, jumped for the second time during the Elite B competition this winter. After clearing his first jumps of 4.85m, 5m and 5.15m, the junior faltered at 5.30m, five at a time. Centimeters above his personal best.

Nivernez subdued the Côte-d’Or. Lola Darcy and Marine de Meyer, two Nivernes licensed at the Dijon UC, took part in the Côte-d’Or Long Cross Championship in the Burgundian capital on Sunday 14 January. The former won in 25’15” at the end of the 6,620 m race, in front of her club partner Manon Coste (25’49”), who won the title of regional champion in Les Sennets in 2020. The second climbed onto the podium by taking third place (26’39”). A good omen for the rest of the season, during which they will meet the Nivernais club. From Sunday 28 January, in Belfort, for the regional championship.

Mohammed Fares and Lola Darcy win the Vozels bullfight: big surprise and big confirmation


USO Nevers dominated Gion in a friendly match. At the end of the French wheelchair team matches, USO Nevers (Men’s National 2) lost 34–44 (15–20 at half time) against Gion (N1) in a friendly match on Saturday 13 January.


Julien Brugnot, ranked 58th at the French Championships. Julien Brugnot finished the race at the French U17 Cyclo-cross Championships in Cammers (Morbihan) on Saturday 13 January in 58th place. Nivernais of CC Varennes-Vauzels, who ran with the Burgundy-Franche-Comté selection, finished 4’52” behind Soren Bruyère-Jaumard (Auvergne-RhôneAlpes), crowned French champion.

sportive shoot

Cosne winner of the departmental stage of the French club championship. The departmental round of the French Club Championship took place on Saturday 13 January at the Arquebus stand in Cosagne. Only three clubs (Cosnay, JGS Nevers and La Charite) are involved in pistols and only one is involved in rifles (La Charite). All qualified for the regional final in Kosane on Sunday 28 January. The Cosnois team, composed of Elisa and Vincent Rzegozan, Isabelle Martin, Mathieu Lemaître and Stéphane Codrin, won the sectional title, dominating Nevers in the final (4–3).Duel between Cosnois Vincent Rzegozan and the recent regional champion of JGSN, Mihita Peiu.

Eight hours of Cosne in Corsican time. Two teams participated in the 21st edition of the Eight Hours of Cosne, on Sunday 14 January, bringing together twelve teams of pistolers and seven riflemen from the department of Cher, Yon, Allier and… Corsica. “The meeting organizes real training, even real matches, in preparation for the French Club Championship, the regional stage of which is coming very soon,” explains Vincent Rzegozon, sports manager of the Arquebus.

In the pistol event, the Corsicans of Portisio, Véronique Ducarre and Christian Coti won. Among the Carabiniers, Yoenis Coquillon and Thomas Bilotte from the Sentinel de Brienne (Yon) finished first.


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