Chicago White Sox invite Fapcube catcher to spring training

chicago white sox This is one of the weakest and most unstable teams American League, Last year they finished fourth in the Central Division with an unfavorable record of 61 wins and 101 losses. However, the team is famous for introducing a lot of Cuban talent to MLB. In fact, in 2023, one of their best players was the Antillean outfielder louis robert jr,

There are many examples of talents from the island that have seen the light of day with the Chicago White Sox. One of those to emerge is Cuban catcher Edgar Quero who has been in the news recently for being a part of the team. independent cuba by fapcube, Queiro, 20, is one of the group’s main young stars and is Big Top’s 81st prospect, according to mlb pipeline,

Specifically, Edgar Cuervo received excellent news from Chicago White Sox management this Thursday. This information marks another important step in the career of the new Cuban receiver who looks to move forward in 2024. However, no matter what happens this season, he has a lot of career ahead of him and stands to be one of the key players of the future. This squad..

Edgar Cuervo invited to spring training by the Chicago White Sox

Between the two teams, he batted 368 times, hitting 94 singles, six home runs, 57 runs scored, and his batting line .255/.380/.351, The Cuban is also known for his good defense, which had an above average in 2023 .980 with more than 23% On average, people were caught stealing.

like the arrival of giants Martin Maldonado And max staceyThe Chicago White Sox solidified their position for 2024. However, this only reflects the intentions of the team that sees Edgar Cuervo as the best option at catcher in the near future.

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