Migration: Tips to deal with stress and take care of your emotions when changing countries

The decision to move to another country is one of the situations that generates the greatest psychological stress in humans. The good news is that the effects caused by this emotional stress can be reduced if we understand and use the tools to manage it: what are they and how to use them?

Migration: Tips to deal with stress and take care of your emotions when changing countries
welfare. Manage emotions and take care of them. photo alami

election of Living in another country means leaving your comfort zone., What we were used to and what we had come to terms with (sometimes still dissatisfied, but what we have learned to live with).

Thus, the “migratory process” begins. a lot of emotions which requires proper management Avoid chronic stress, depression or even physical symptoms like shrinking, dermatitis, ulcers etc.

It is proved that when anxiety, fear, or guilt are activated with greater intensity, more interference is seen flow focused towards the goal Proposed. But it is important to return to the pivot. Always happens in any area of ​​life Two possible paths: short or long. When we are united and focused on our goals we take the short path and when we are bogged down in doubt and insecurity we take the long path.

Family, travel and change.  photo alami Family, travel and change. photo alami

By drowning in the stress created by the situation, various emotional phenomena can arise, such as:

  • “Emotional Jet Lag”: After a trip of more than 30 hours, the physical body goes through a stressful state that makes it difficult to sleep for a few nights until sleep becomes regular and integrated into the new time zone. It’s the jet lag we all know, but when the trip is not for tourism, but as a permanent residence project, it can generate an explosive emotional combo that generates a stressful situation that can last for months. can last if emotions are not managed properly.
  • Contextual loss of identity: Arriving in a new place where you don’t know anyone and no one knows you generates the syndrome of not knowing the environment towards personal insignia (you are no longer recognized by neighbors, colleagues, co-workers, etc.).

    Emotions, health, family and change.  Photo: Alamy Emotions, health, family and change. Photo: Alamy

  • Re-edition: Exposing ourselves (and encouraging ourselves) to a context where one is not recognized by the environment in personal, work and professional aspects, we face an extremely challenging situation that can create barriers and blockages. is, but also gives us the opportunity to turn the page. To develop a better personal version.
  • Sensation of “jumping into the void”: Leaping into the void relates to dealing with completely unknown situations without resorting to previous experiences to guide us to act in the face of novel stimuli. When we make decisions that involve significant changes to our daily routine, various sensations and emotions are activated: anxiety, sadness, uncertainty, fear, guilt, doubt; And also the expectations related to excitement, joy and happiness. Recognizing and understanding these phenomena makes it easier to overcome everyday obstacles in new environments if appropriate tools are used or help is sought when the situation requires it.
  • The feeling of “starting from scratch”: The decision to start a new story in a new place usually creates uncertainty and fear. It is like starting from scratch as there is no reference to the conditions experienced in the new destination and the entire personal, work and professional trajectory traveled in the country that is being left behind. It is also important to verify that for many new situations you do not start from scratch because you have life experience and learning that can be used in the new environment. It is also possible to imagine and believe that starting in a context different from the one you know is an opportunity to avoid the mistakes you have made and learn to grow into a new phase of life.

However, In all the stages passing through the process of migration we can resort to Tools and Tips who helps us Calm us and prevent or reduce emotional effects on our body. keep him with you “Toolbox” It is essential, and undoubtedly, the most important thing: to know how to use it. Let’s see what it’s about:

physical activities: Stress-causing situations and moments require physical release so that stress does not accumulate in the body and cause injury or pain. It is advisable to practice sports, exercise, go to the gym, ride a bike and not stop these in moments of greatest stress.Physical Activity_Walking.  photo alami physical activity. photo alami

Mental Relaxation Activities: It is extremely stressful to disconnect from the present and think all the time about “what will happen in the future” and “everything that will remain in the past.” Relaxing the body and mind helps to better navigate the number of situations that have to be resolved at different stages of the migration challenge. Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness are many practices that help you mentally relax and connect with your body to live in the present.

“Conscious Relaxation”: This is probably one of the most difficult activities to incorporate into a busy schedule of activities when so many things are being processed and resolved, but having moments of “disconnection” from the mind when there are so many things going on is common in these cases. Is very important. “Idea”. toxic” that only bring more uncertainty, anxiety, guilt, and fear when they become recurring and constant (“Am I doing the right thing?” – “I’m not going to do that” – “My kids are going to Having a bad time”). He “Conscious Relaxation” It is associated with leisure and leisure activities that are usually discarded because “they are not productive” “how will I relax with all the things I have to do” and generates some “guilt” that leads to something recreational. Doing or doing nothing in between the many demands and responsibilities that the position is proposing.

Rest.  Photo: Unsplash Photo: Unsplash

Paradoxically, the situation especially requires clearing the mind and relaxing from heavy thoughts. Get good sleep and good physical and mental rest They allow you to recharge energy and be in a position to make the best decisions at all times. Reading, watching a movie, watering plants, cooking, or doing some physical activity help provide distractions to calm yourself.

Interact with important references: The decision to live in another country affects the closest people. Family and friends will react in different ways, and some of them may even become sad and angry at certain times. It is advisable to find the right time to tell about the decision (neither rush nor put off when to tell) and find someone to talk to about the decision to migrate.

Sharing and talking with people who have already lived abroad or gone through that experience will contribute more to the decision than doing so with people who are emotionally involved.

group therapy.  photo alami group therapy. photo alami

Participation in affinity groups: Inspirational talks for immigrants are spaces shared by people who are going through a similar situation, facilitating the creation of personal and work networks necessary to integrate into the new reality. These group dynamics are coordinated by professionals Specialization On topic and who have gone through the same situation, it means that they are also immigrants and know the problems and situations that usually arise, know proven tools to adequately manage emotions and handle And they do not interfere with the process of adaptation to the new place.

Participate in motivational groups for immigrants to build social networks and integrate into the new reality.

Focused Therapy: Therapists who have been through a similar situation are especially familiar with the events that must be addressed and provided solid equipment Which helps integration and adaptation to the new context to proceed as smoothly as possible. An investment that allows you to reduce and avoid additional suffering.

Address Therapy focuses on the immigration process with immigration professionals Specialization on this subject.

When you board a plane, you carry not only luggage and the documents necessary for travel. In addition to the paper passport, you wear “Emotional Passport” With unconscious beliefs, values ​​and personal identity that form the personality formed in the country of origin. The experience of going and living in another country calls and invites reconfigure identity, to be re-edited And create a new personalized version in the new destination.

Meeting among friends.  Photo: Unsplash.The experience of living in another country invites us to reconfigure our identity, Unravel.

So again, this means that the largest number of tools exist for Strengthen trust by shaping internal context (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body) to face this special, intense and difficult situation in the best possible circumstances.

after all, life is an adventure, Life is a game that invites us to learn and play our best cards. Or in any case, to play with the cards we were dealt and see from there what we can do best.

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