Russia’s Zenit launches an offer for Alvaro Fidalgo

instruction of America There is already a significant offer on the table for alvaro fidalgoAn element that is one of the pillars of the team and that has attracted the attention of various teams from the old continent after its performances Eagles In Liga MX,

The offer is from Russia’s ZenithA team that is willing to pay an expiration clause Maguito and he circles 10 million dollarsBut the Azulcrema leadership is not entirely convinced.

It is not at all pleasant that this is an offer from Russia for its player, because the player may have various complications. pay the bet Because they are still under blockade due to war issues in that country.

According to the information received half timeFidalgo is also considering the option of leaving RussiaBecause although it is a country that is close spain Where his family is and maybe even closer to his country team’s scouts, the fact that they don’t play in any European competitions leaves him wondering.

On various occasions the midfielder has expressed his interest in getting a new opportunity in football on the old continent, having been on a team before playing for the United States. Second Class B Of spain as he was CastellonClub to which he arrived after his fleeting time real Madrid,

He was signed via the same route as Luis Chávez.

Mexican football has been linked to Russian football in recent months Luis Chavez moved from Pachuca up to the rank of Dynamo MoscowA transfer that was quite new due to the same economic problems of the financial blockade.

Like Chavez recently Victor Davila From Lyon went to CSKA Another top club from Russia that paid the Chilean to join their ranks.

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