“The public health of this country is gone.”

William Perez Ramirez, One of the doctors indicted in Granma for alleged negligence He said after the sentencing that “the public health of this country has been lost.”

“Today is probably the most bittersweet day of my life so far… Today, 01/18/24, a lot of memories come to mind: the day I started my degree, how much I loved every subject in the study program That was my first inclination towards neurosciences and neurosurgery, the joy of seeing progress with each satisfactory outcome and of course, my greatest passion for general surgery,” the young man began by saying in an extensive Facebook post.

“Just as they arrive, I too see so many years of study and dedication collapse in an instant. I am informed that I have been sentenced to 1 year house arrest for alleged negligent acts in the practice of my profession. Unbelievable!!!!!”, he adds.

Pérez Ramírez confesses that, although he was eager for a favorable decision, the ruling against him did not surprise him. The youth has accused those responsible for the investigation of working with prejudice against the accused.

“More than 2 years of pure martyrdom, summons to the Police Unit (2), threats by people named by the Provincial Health Directorate (DPS) of Granma, headed by Dr. Ingrid Porto Mate, who, incidentally, said, he always understood, here Until without even starting the investigation, that we were guilty and they worked with all their might, when, in an effort to obtain better surgical training, I decided to go to the province of Santiago de Cuba, from where, this step That being said, I am forever grateful,” he said.

Similarly, he described it as ridiculous that after public disapproval caused by the case, officials reformed the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital in Bayamo.

“It is ridiculous to say the least that during this period improvement works were carried out in the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital (acclaimed digital X-rays for years), 99 ambulances were purchased, a new public health law was approved (which you can read about would be but very good, certainly with benefits, but where once again we are left legally unprotected) and of course, a pay reform when what health professionals should be concerned about are the precarious working conditions in which we work and that ruins the poor quality of services, despite the love with which we work,” he lamented.

The young man also condemned several irregularities committed during the trial.

“I’m very disappointed, yes, angry, I’m disgusted by the people who represent us (or should)… I wanted to believe at some point in my life that there were still decent people, Talked about a Jose Marti… I’m sure that exists, but I have ruled out those who are behind this whole disaster,” he said.

“Now I suffer from the fact that I graduated as a specialist in General Surgery and I cannot practice my profession, or even enjoy my success. And then I think: I lost???…But no…we didn’t lose, neither I nor my teammates. This country lost public health, they lost many patients we wanted to help and couldn’t…Cuba lost,” the emotional text concludes.

William Pérez Ramírez, Yoandra Quesada Labrada, Rafael José Sánchez Vázquez, Henry Rosales Pompa Rafael and surgeon Ristian Solano were sentenced to between one and three years of house arrest in Granma for alleged negligence in the death of a young motorcyclist . An Accident.

Elizabeth Silvera, a radiologist involved in the case, was the only acquittal.

Exiled doctor Alexander de Jesus Figueiredo Izaguirre said he knew the details of the case and explained that doctors had to subject the man to surgery – who arrived at the emergency room injured after a serious motorcycle accident – ​​even though he was in hospital. It was not so. Essential resources, such as suture material, Levin probes, and tomographs were in short supply.

Prestigious Cuban urologist Aldo Luis Zamora Varona He described what happened during an operation in which the young patient died and said “I have never experienced such a shortage of supplies to carry out an operation.”,

He The trial against the six doctors was held behind closed doors at the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Provincial Hospital in late November 2023.From Bayamo, where he was accused of negligence in the case of a patient who died during surgery.

There are many people, especially in the health sector, who He expressed regret at the Cuban regime’s decision to set a bad precedent within the Union.,

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