This is how SMS about parcel shipment steals your data

Did you receive an SMS message informing you about an attempted delivery of an item sent by parcel to your home? So, be careful, as this could be an attempt by cyber criminals to steal your banking details.

The message Violetta received on her phone said, “2/2 delivery attempts have been made, please confirm your details or your item will be returned.”

The notification was also accompanied by a link to an apocryphal page from Correos de Mexico.

“I just had a package pending delivery and, when the message came, it sent me to a page to make payment and complete the delivery; it also seemed cheap to me and I didn’t notice anything strange until I saw the page, but I They had already filled the format with the data,” he said.

A few seconds after completing the transaction, a charge of 20 thousand pesos was recorded on his card for some air tickets. Immediately, Violeta contacted the bank to report the movement and cancel it.

He said, “What makes you angry the most is that they don’t take away your data, but you yourself give it to them.”

Cybersecurity expert Hiram Camarillo stressed the importance of being cautious when receiving SMS messages in a company’s name. He explained that what cyber criminals are looking for is to persuade the user to voluntarily hand over banking information or even make deposits into other accounts.

In view of this, they suggested not to click on links where one is not sure where they are going, nor to respond to these SMS with personal data.

“The software used by extortionists is not advanced enough to be able to obtain all the user’s information through the link, although this type of technology exists, it is very advanced and expensive, that is why they Fully committed to convincing people”, he assured.

avoid falling

-If you receive an alert related to a package, contact the courier company directly.

-See if there is a message in your email for the said shipment.

-Do not open suspicious or fabricated links.

-Do not reply to messages with personal or banking information.

-Always check the address of the pages you click on to make sure it is an official domain.

-You can enter the phone number or URL address into an Internet search engine to learn about possible past reports.

-Report numbers that send suspicious messages, as well as malicious links.

-Install an antivirus on your device, both computer and cell phone versions.

(tag to translate)national

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