Three men arrested for stabbing a stylist to death in El Valle


CISPC director Douglas Rico reported this Monday the arrest of three criminals for the murder of stylist Jorge Eliécer Guerrero (44), which occurred on November 8 in the Zamora neighborhood, La Cruz Stairs, El Valle parish, Libertador municipality. Caracas.

According to a report on his Instagram account, the commissioner indicated that the victim was possessed by three people, one of whom was nicknamed “Sak” or “Borzo”, with whom he had a close friendship. The man, along with a 16-year-old teenager and another man with the initials XAAH (22), had planned to rob Guerrero of her valuables.

“Sak” took advantage of his friendship with the stylist, so he went to the house and, upon entering, left the door open to distract his friend while his companions went inside.

The criminals overpowered the victim and when they saw that he resisted the robbery, they stabbed him with a knife until he died, and then fled the scene with Guerrero’s belongings.

The case was handled by the 98th and 116th Prosecutor’s Offices of the Public Ministry with jurisdiction in the criminal responsibility system of the Metropolitan Region of Caracas.

(tagstotranslate)El Vale

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