Traveling by plane to Merida: a luxury that few can afford (photo)

Photography courtesy @magrux_aviation

A month before the International Sun Fair is held in Merida, the high cost of air tickets between Merida and Caracas may reduce some people’s desire to travel, in a country where the minimum wage is 130 bolivars ($3 ) Is. ,

By Jesús Quintero / Correspondent

Through the online flight reservation section of the national airline Conviasa, users are able to verify the availability of the Caracas-Merida ticket office and at a price of 4,326.46 bolivars or its equivalent in 120 dollars, according to the official exchange rate of this Friday. January 19, 2024. If the round trip ticket (Caracas-Merida-Caracas) is included, the traveler will have to pay 8,745.72 bolivars, or $242.

Starting from February 5, 2024, Mondays will also be available for trips to the City of the Knights in Conquiasa, while on Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays the ATR 42 aircraft, initialized YV1009, will maintain regular flights from the Simon Bolivar Airport of Maiquitia. From Guerra in LA to Alberto Carnevalli Airport in Mérida, with return same day.

It is worth remembering that since last May 2023 and after more than 15 years without any commercial activity, the air route connecting the state of Mérida to Simón Bolívar de Macatea Airport in La Guaira was reopened.

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