Way to pass Neurology for medical student

Medicine is considered one of the toughest careers due to its broad and complex curriculum. This forces many of his students to use methods that help them Remember all this stuffAnd one of the most popular formulas is the use of Memorable rules.

In this sense, the subject of neurology is one of the “most complex” to maintain due to all the characteristics of each of its pathologies. A medical student to find a solution ,@martiummedicine) Have published a video on TIC Toc Explaining that what she does is assign a character of “something known” to each disease, she characterizes it and invent an original story And entertainment where each trait is included.

“I study this way because my visual memory is good and hence, if I capture something and keep the image, it is very easy for me to remember it. Besides, I find it more entertaining to remember all the symptoms of each neurological diseases “It has fabric in it,” he admitted.

The first of the examples you have shown is related to the syndrome of Miller Fisher. She thinks of a fisherman who has little skill with a rod and who she considers “the worst in history” because he doesn’t catch a single fish.

Medical student explains how she remembers Miller Fisher syndrome.

Miller Fisher syndrome: description and symptoms

“He is the worst fisherman in history because, first of all, he doesn’t see, he eye disease. second because it is ataxia And he is very clumsy, he falls into the water and stumbles all the time. And ultimately, because it’s done irreversibilityThat is, the guy is fishing, they hook the rod, but he doesn’t realize it until three seconds later and he loses it,” he explained.

Another deformity with which he has made the story due to his name is that limbic encephalitis, This syndrome reminds you of a man dancing in limbo, and this is shown in his diagram. As he explains, the history of this disease is that humans are “obsessed with this activity” and they like it.

@MartiuMedicina transfers his keys to know the symptoms of limbic encephalitis.

“When he dances he forgets things, because he has amnesia, and he starts dancing so frantically that he first feels very hot and then cold, that is, he hypothalamic disorders And this can lead to the point where you deviate from the limits of your choices. Furthermore, it is also Madness”, he has narrated.

Gerstmann syndrome in mnemonic key

For remembering gerstmann syndromeThis student has drawn a picture german soldierBecause his name reminds him of the country, as well as the story that he is a farmer who is sent to war but he doesn’t know the reason why he is there or which side he allies with because he has One right and left confusion,

“He doesn’t even know how to write, because he has agraphia and alcalculia, nor does he know how to wear a uniform or shoot a rifle because he has ideomotor apraxia. He can’t speak properly because he has a language disorder and to make matters worse, it was revealed that he lost three of his fingers in the war and now he has numbness in his fingers,” he said.

A moment from this medical student’s TikTok video.

Wallanger syndrome and the character Where’s Wally

Finally, what’s the key to remembering wallenberg syndrome, As he explains, this illness reminds him of his character. where’s Wally? And he has depicted it with the symptoms of this pathology. “it neurological syndrome This is very curious. This happens because there is a blockage vertebral artery or pica And the result is that you create areas of the body that don’t have blood and don’t function,” he said.

Thus, in his painting he depicts Wally with a facial hemianesthesia, which is on one side of the face. With this they have captured horner syndrome, drawing the eye on that side slightly tilted and with a smaller pupil. Furthermore, on the same side, the character has a ipsilateral cerebellar ataxiaWally is depicted with holding a cane Because he has difficulty in walking.

“Now let’s start with the curious thing. and there is one more paradoxical body hypoesthesia On the opposite side of the body. So, in this syndrome you cannot see the face on one side or the body on the other side. And three more symptoms have been added to it: Dysarthria, dysphagia and hiccups”, It is finished.

The picture a medical student uses to remember the symptoms of Wallenberg syndrome.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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