Why does Kiyosaki like Bitcoin more than gold and silver?

Famous “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki revealed his preference for Bitcoin (BTC) over gold and silver, despite investing in all three financial assets.

this decision Bitcoin’s inherent scarcity is based onAccording to this, a factor that makes it particularly attractive to investors and financial teachers Message On the social network X.

Kiyosaki admitted that he owned gold and silver mines and explained that although he liked investing in them because of the tangible nature of the precious metals, he had a “problem” with their abundance. “The more prices rise, the more gold and silver will be available,” he says.

opposite of this, Bitcoin has a unique characteristic that sets it apart from other assets: its limited supply., “No matter how high the price of Bitcoin goes, there will only be 21 million worth of Bitcoins. That’s why I like Bitcoin,” he says.

Publication by Robert Kiyosaki in X. Source: Robert Kiyosaki – X,

This number of Bitcoins was defined since the creation of Bitcoin in 2008 and is scheduled to be released until the year 2140. The rate of issuance (supply expansion) of these new coins started at approximately 50 Bitcoins created every ten minutes.

The units issued are halved every four years, called halving; For example, since 2020, 6.25 BTC have been regularly issued every 10 minutes and from April 2024, 3,125 new BTC will be issued.

This controlled issuance system guarantees that Bitcoin’s supply is not affected by demand or the decisions of any politician (unlike fiat money), which contributes to its scarcity and constant valuation over time.

Kiyosaki looks into Bitcoin A way to protect himself from what he sees as the imminent collapse of the financial system. traditional.

Last week, investors warned that the US debt is at $34 trillion (billions, in English) of dollars. The debt increases by $1 trillion every 90 days, he said. In his opinion, “the United States is sick,” as reported by CryptoNoticias.

This is why Kiyosaki advocates the acquisition of assets like gold, silver, and especially Bitcoin as a security and asset growth strategy.

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