12-hour and voluntary medical guard in accordance with the Framework Law

Rosa Cuadrado and Tomas Toranzo.

despite the persistence of 24 hour guard Latest posts of the Ministry of Health, in the mechanism of National Health System (SNS) Monica Garcia At the forefront, the debate over its appropriateness has been revived. Social agents hope that this will be one of the points to be addressed at the next meeting scope of discussionDated to this March, because they believe that the repeal of the current Guard model fits within future framework law, The unions aim to move towards a voluntary system with no loss of remuneration and will be transferred to the minister’s cabinet.

Garcia herself has in the past been critical of the current model of 24-hour guards, which she says “Anachronistic”, The progressive president recently called on the same legislature to promise an “answer” to the problem, saying the ruling “endangers the comfort, reconciliation and mental health of our health professionals.”

The unions will listen to him. as they move forward medical writing sources of State Confederation of Medical Associations (CESM) and labor commission (CCOO), the idea is to restart this chapter in the dialogue area on 18 March. ,This has already been raised and will be raised again“, indicates the doctors’ organization headed by Tomás Toranzo.

The ideal, they clarify from CESM, is that health opens up for the doctor to apply a specific statute; But, in the absence of progress in this regard, the reform of the Guard system “should be addressed by framework legislation.”

CCOO defends this position. Sources of this association emphasize that the Framework Law is “the legal norm that regulates working time, what is considered normal, supplementary or special working hours,” as well as Maximum duration of working days,

“For this reason, the Framework Law is the legal framework for the regulation of the working day and therefore the Guard,” says the person in charge of the Federation of Health and Social and Health Sectors of the CCOO (FSS-CCOO). pink square,

12 hour medical guard

The union organizations aspire to establish a model that is similar to that of nurses, whose shifts last up to 12 hours. They understand that this way rest and relaxation will be improved. Family and work balance for doctors And patient safety will not be “jeopardized.”

On behalf of CESM they also advocate that the implementation of “On a voluntary basis And without loss of salary.” That is, they are charged as overtime.

Guards eliminated in Sumar program

At the moment, the Framework Law is the only way to repeal the 24-hour medical guards, which is not being appealed to the Cortes Generales, although SUMAR (a group of which Mónica García is a member) has indicated medical writing Which is one of their legislative objectives. However, this measure is not reflected in the political program of the progressive formation. rafael cofinoSumner’s spokesperson at the Congressional Health Commission explained that this is part of a plan for “dignified working conditions” that they want to promote.

The Congress of Deputies had already considered the removal of 24-hour guards during the previous legislature at the request of Mas Pace. However, it has never crystallized.

Information published in medical writing includes statements, data and announcements from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any queries related to your health, consult your respective health expert.

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