Categories: Health

According to National Geographic, 5 habits that activate the happiness hormone

Psychology Describe Happiness As a Feeling Of Satisfaction, which can be achieved when goals, desires and objectives are met and confirms that it is a Emotional and temporal state.

Through various studies and over the years, Science Tried to answer what is happiness and what you need to do to get it.

However, they haven’t received any concrete answers since they confirmed it There is no one way to find happiness Nor any clear concept that names it. and this feeling subjective, That is to say, each person will give it their own meaning and know what makes them happy and what doesn’t.

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Furthermore, they discovered that this depends on internal and external factorsthose who influence mood and well-being of man.

is one of the internal factors positive emotions What we experience, what we produce serotonin, dopamine or endorphinbetter known as “Hormones of Happiness” which have been issued Brain. so this neurotransmitter They contribute to feeling happiness and are essential in everyday life.

Researchers also found that there are habits and emotions which increases Production of these neurotransmitters.

If you are wondering right now how to free them and what to do to be happy. Well, in this article we will tell you What are the 5 habits that activate the “hormone of happiness”.

What are the 5 habits that activate the hormone of happiness?

What are the 5 habits that activate the hormone of happiness?

He Brain Free serotonin, dopamine or endorphin when a person experiences positive emotions Such as love, satisfaction, happiness, gratitude, joy, etc. they produce hormones Happiness and get one Better mood.

according to experts, Appreciate the small joys as well as Give thanks and value daily activities, Details and special moments directly affect us welfare And, although they are not tangible things, yet there is a Positive impact a trip mental health.

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for its part, National Geographic Magazine claim that there are 5 habits that activate the hormone of happiness. Next, we tell you what they are:

  • Recognize emotions: What you need to know to manage emotions in a healthy way Identify them and tell them their names. this will help Understand what happens to us, accept it And, if necessary, Work As a result. Additionally, it helps improve mental health The key is to control people and what we feel.
  • Take care of social relationships: Experts say one of the keys to happiness is Feel loved and together. According to a study by Harvard University, People who are most connected to them friends and family They meet Happiness, They live longer and have better health.

  • Practice physical exercise: Physical activity or playing sports contributes to mental health, Improves mood and releases endorphins, which creates a feeling of well-being and Satisfaction.
  • Hug and meet: The benefits of this display of affection are reflected in our biochemistry Body productive feelings of satisfaction, While giving or receiving a hug, contact another person Production of oxytocinA hormones is associated with Happiness.
  • Talk to yourself positively and in the second person: internal communication impacts How we feel and how we behave. University of Michigan They claim the key is inside use second person When we talk to ourselves because we say positive phrases get more attitude optimistic.

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