Air strikes in Syria kill 19 militants of the Islamic Resistance, another group funded by Iran

The terrorist group has carried out more than a hundred attacks on US targets in Iraq and eastern Syria since the war between Hamas and Israel began on October 7.

Three air strikes overnight in eastern Syria This Saturday they killed near a strategic border crossing with Iraq 19 Iranian backed terroristsThey said The Associated Press Members of two Iraqi militia groups.

attacks in the border area of Boukamal It came just hours after a group of Iran-backed Iraqi militants, known as Islamic resistance, Claimed responsibility for attack on US military base in Erbil cityIn northern Iraq. This group has carried out more than a hundred attacks Against US positions in Iraq and eastern Syria since the war between Hamas and Israel began on October 7.

The bombings were “probably Israeli”, Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP, who initially said they might have come from the United States.

Four of the dead were from a powerful Lebanese group Hezbollah, while others were Syrian terrorists, the militants said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.

Meanwhile, a group of workers covering news in the area, der ezor 24said the airstrikes reached Two militant outposts and an arms warehouse They say it was recently loaded with rocket launchers and ammunition.

Separately, the British-backed opposition war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said that in addition to the weapons warehouse, In these attacks, a convoy of terrorists who had reached Syria from Iraq was targeted.Also a place where one is affiliated with a militia. Revolutionary Guard Iran’s paramilitary was training.

Hezbollah members (archive)

He said nine people were killed in the attacks, three Syrians and six people of other nationalities.

Washington had no immediate comment on the attack, although it announced Some were planned against positions of Iranian-backed militias. After a wave of attacks in the last two months.

chairman Joe Biden Last week the US Army was ordered to do so Attacks against Iran-backed Iraqi groups Following a rocket attack that injured three American soldiers.

The increase in tension has put Baghdad in a delicate situation. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudanihas tried to ease tensions between the militant groups that helped him come to power and the United States, where Iraq’s currency reserves are located.

The Bokamal area in Syria’s Deir al-Zour, along the Iraqi border, has been a strategic area for Iranian-backed militants after they withdrew from the extremist group. Islamic State In 2019. Prior to the recent tensions, US coalition forces had attacked convoys there.


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