Barriers to registration for presidential elections in Venezuela lead to crisis in the region

obstacles imposed by Nicolas Maduro regime The registration of opposition candidacies for the July 28 presidential elections has provoked the disapproval of a large part of the international community, including Colombia and Brazil, Chavistas are considered political allies of the president, who expressed their “concern” about what is happening in separate statements.

Indeed, the tone used by Caracas to criticize Bogotá and Brasília’s statements opens the door to tensions not seen since Presidents Gustavo Petro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva took power.

“Right-wing governments and cowardly leftists are not able to condemn coups or maneuvers that threaten peace. They remain silent in collusion,” Maduro said in an oblique reference to his counterparts. In which he said that Vente Venezuela, the movement of discredited María Corina Machado, was “terrorist”.

At night, Petro replied in X: “With no cowardice left, there is potential to change the world, through deepening democracy. Chávez’s magic was to offer democracy and change to the world. Today’s revolution is: changing the world by strengthening democracy.”

At the end of the day, the candidate supported by the ineligible Maria Corina MachadoCorina Yorris, could not register due to failures on the electoral platform, so she made her way to the nomination of two candidates, one of whom, Manuel Rosales, sought in larger areas than certainties about her real character as opposition leader. (see optional note).

From left to right, Nicolás Maduro, María Corina Machado and Manuel Rosales.

picture:AFP and EFE

A problem arose due to the rejection of all these constraints by the neighboring chancellors, especially the chancellors of Bogotá and Brasília. Strong response from Venezuelan Foreign Ministry Who highlighted what their neighbors said was in line with the order of the United States and was a “gross interference” in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.

But they are not the only country. Other countries ranging from the United States to Argentina, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru and the European Union bloc have expressed their concern in various voices and indicated that what happened in the last few hours is a violation by Barbados. The compromises and rules of transparency and democratic equality that are required in the coming electoral contest.

“Colombia reiterates its full respect for the sovereignty and autonomy of the Venezuelan people (…) At the same time, it reiterates the need for a free, fair and competitive presidential electoral process in Venezuela, where citizen participation through voting “Mechanisms of democratic expression are promoted,” the Colombian Foreign Ministry wrote.

Similarly, the government, which various sectors have been urging for weeks to reject what happened in Venezuela, asked for “political and electoral guarantees equally for all political actors”, as this “within the framework of democracy A fundamental axis.

For the Chancellor, these irregularities trust may be affected Involvement of some sectors of the international community in the transparency and competitiveness of the electoral process on 28 July.

‘Wrong Step’

“Colombia also reiterates the need to support and promote democratic consolidation in Venezuela,” declared Luis Gilberto Murillo, the Minister in charge of the portfolio.

But, as was unusual since President Petro took power, diplomatic and consular relations between the two countries normalized and with the Bogotá summit, Bogotá took a stance of facilitating dialogue between the Maduro regime and the opposition. Venezuela’s Foreign Ministry was aggressive Who had not been seen for months.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil echoed what Colombia said, “rude interference”, “Venezuela has always respected the complex political processes in Colombia, even during times of violence and great division.” And he added: “Motivated by the need to appease the intentions of the US State Department, the Colombian Foreign Ministry takes a wrong step.” Reportedly, according to the official, Murillo issued “False Trial.”

According to Gil, the Colombian Foreign Minister had “true first-hand information”, which is why his statement was taken poorly by the Nicolás Maduro regime. “This is not only an act of bad faith, but it also seeks to undermine the process of normalizing diplomatic, political and commercial relations,” Gill said.

The tone from Brazil did not change. This was said by the Brazilian Foreign Ministry Followed the process “with concern”, especially since Venezuela has yet to provide any explanation for the obstruction of several presidential candidates. “Based on available information, it is observed that the candidate indicated by the Unitary Platform, a political opposition force, and on which no judicial decision has been taken, was prevented from registering, which is not compatible with the Barbados Agreements “.

Duke warned of possible attack

former president ivan duke talked about him Complex electoral scenario in Venezuela, Where the opposition has faced difficult hurdles in registering its candidates. in conversation with ntn24The former President of Colombia between 2018 and 2022 assured that it was “clear” that the President of said country, Nicolás Maduro, was going to “pass” the Barbados agreements, while in return he obtained the release and authorization of Alex Saab For exploration and exploitation of oil.

Similarly, Duque warned that an illegal detention or attack on the life of María Corina Machado was being planned by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

“There are strong rumors that there will be a lack of integrity and independence in the coming weeks Maria Corina Machado may be in serious dangerSince the illegal detention and the attempt on his life will be planned by Sabin,” said the former Colombian president through his X account, who called on the international community to provide him with security measures.

Ana Maria Rodriguez Brazon – EL Tiempo correspondent – Caracas

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