Beyond infertility: new challenges demand a broader vision of reproductive medicine

reproductive medicine Addressing the increasing prevalence of infertility globally has faced significant challenges in recent decades. World Health Organization (WHO) It is estimated that approximately 17.5% of the adult population, which is equal to 1 in 6 people, experiences infertility, “a disease of the male or female reproductive system, defined by the inability to conceive after 12 months or more of intercourse. it occurs.” “Regular unprotected sexual activity”, as defined by the International Health Organization itself.

In Argentina, these statistics are not foreign to us. The Argentine Society of Reproductive Medicine (SAMER) estimates that 15 to 20% of the population faces fertility problems.

However, difficulties that come from problems in the male or female reproductive system New challenges are added Which arises from changes in social mobility. Today women postpone motherhood and It is very common to have more fertility problems from time to time.

Thus, in a trend, rapidly, Reproductive medicine must deal with the process of social evolution And the changes that come with it are why institutions and experts in the field must be as they were, More willing to adapt and deal with problems with an open mind and sensitive to changes in the environment, New concepts of the family, a review of the idea of ​​couples, monogamy questioned, among other emerging concepts, are increasingly on the agenda.

Historically, couples wanted to have children, and if they encountered difficulties, they would come to the doctor looking for solutions. Now, Different forms of family emerge and reproductive desires. At Procreate we have always been open and attentive to the evolution of various social demands, understanding that change is constant.

Actually, in our center Fertility protection was one of the services that grew the most, with a significant impact after the pandemic. They increased by 177%, reflecting the growing trend of women wanting to freeze eggs. Although this trend has stabilized somewhat, they currently show a 30% year-on-year increase in 2022-2023.

However, our performance is not an isolated case: in a recent report, the Argentine Society of Reproductive Medicine (SAMER) estimates Egg freezing cases have increased by close to 20% annually In various breeding centres. According to data from the same medical unit, 60% of women want to conceive for the first time after the age of 35.

Fertility preservation is a technique that involves vitrification of eggs, which can preserve eggs by freezing them until they can be used to become a mother. Most women by age 40 retain only 3% of their ovarian reserve. Our Maternity Bank business unit allows a woman to preserve her good fertility by leaving pregnancy for a period of time as deemed appropriate.

This course reveals everything How reproductive medicine is constantly challenged to reinvent itself Since its original concept.

These dynamics of change operate in real time. The proof of this is that, as we write these lines, Reproductive medicine is already immersed in a new paradigm shift, In this case, taking genetics as a fundamental basis, personalized and preventive treatments are now being offered to the general population, and not just to those who face fertility problems.

Let’s keep in mind that the pharmaceutical industry is already immersed in the development of personalized medicines based on genetics, which marks a significant change in the approach to health. For this We have set up a genetics field in Procreate As a comprehensive service, not only for patients but also for health professionals. The service provides interpretation of genetic studies conducted outside the country, and tailors the results to individual treatments. Thus arises the vision of ‘PreFamily’, which seeks to provide a preventive and genetic approach to the entire reproductive age population, taking genetics to a broader level.”

“Former Family” Perspective This takes the form of a study offered to anyone of reproductive age, regardless of their relationship status. This analysis evaluates the genetic mutation present in each individual and the associated risk of having offspring.

We are all carriers of genetic mutations. He crisis It occurs when these mutations are shared in a couple, increasing the risk of it affecting their offspring. ‘Pre Family’ studies attempt to provide preventive medication, identify potential genetic risks and, if necessary, offer assisted fertilization treatment focused on avoiding genetic complications in the offspring.

One of the strengths of Procreate lies in its application to advanced genetic studies such as genetic analysis of embryos. This process allows determine the genetic normality of the fetus, Improving success rates in in vitro fertilization treatments.

Approved in 2016 medically assisted reproduction law An important milestone was marked by the inclusion of assisted reproductive treatments within the PMO. This change not only changed treatment dynamics, but also led us to expand our value proposition, developing agreements with over 70 health funders.

Law 26,862 establishes that every person of legal age, regardless of their sexual orientation or marital status, whether they have social work, are prepaid or receive care in the public health system, has access to techniques and procedures performed with assistance. Can have free and equal access. Therapy to achieve pregnancy.

This expansion not only gave patients the possibility to access the center directly through their medical coverage book, but also allowed the integration of doctors from the network who can now provide care in Procreate or external offices. Flexibility and freedom of choice for the professionals and patients involved.

In conclusion, reproductive medicine is in a constant process of adaptation not only to the classic challenges of infertility, but also to social and technological changes. Represents the ‘Pre Family’ approach and focus on genetics bold move Towards a future where reproductive medicine not only treats existing problems, but also prevents them on a genetic basis. This comprehensive approach reflects our commitment to continued evolution to provide advanced, personalized options to everyone in the parenthood journey.


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