

The train could reach a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour. The project successfully passed the first test at a speed of 50 km/h without vacuum conditions.

China continues its progress towards launching ‘Hyperloop’, an ultra-fast train that can reach speeds of 1,000 kilometers per hour. A project involving the development of low-pressure tubes through which pressurized capsules carrying passengers would circulate.

The development of magnetic levitation trains has become a long-distance race for many countries, including the Asian giant, the region with the most kilometers of high-speed lines in the world. China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC), a Chinese state-owned company that designs, develops and manufactures spacecraft and launch vehicles, is primarily responsible for the project.

Last year the project passed the first test covering a distance of 210 meters at a speed of 50 km/h without vacuum conditions, CASIC announced that in the final test, The train’s maximum speed exceeded the last recorded speed of any other maglev convoy, which was more than 600 kilometers per hour. A record achieved on a two kilometer long test circuit.

Chinese media such as SCMP confirmed that those responsible for the project described the data obtained in the latest tests as “significant progress” so that the design of this train can finally be realized and become a reality. CASIC’s announcement comes just two weeks after the company assured that the initial speed of 50 km/h has not yet been exceeded.

To achieve efficient magnetic levitation of the train, the company emphasized combining aerospace technologies with superconductors that reduce electrical resistance. In addition, millimeter precision is essential for concrete surfaces, as variations in track flatness cannot exceed 0.3 millimeters, according to the company. If it exceeded these limits, it would be impossible for the train to remain stable.

Test with a train traveling up to 800 km/h in Europe

Now, the project will begin a second phase of testing with a longer test track and in which those responsible hope that the train can reach a speed of 1,000 km/h. However, the future of this project also depends on the authorization and investment support that the Beijing government can provide.

(with information from AS)

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