Dancer dies of allergies after eating mislabeled cookie

recent dancer’s family orla baxendale A war has erupted against Stew Leonard’s, a regional chain of seven supermarkets in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey, over the death of the 25-year-old girl.

Baxendale, who was born in the United Kingdom and moved to New York to pursue her dreams, “tragically” died of anaphylactic shock as a result of a severe allergic reaction after consuming a cookie manufactured and sold by Cookies United on January 11. died. Stu Leonard.

From a very young age, Orla Baxendale suffered from an allergy to peanuts, an ingredient present in cookies but not disclosed on the label.

“Orla’s family, devastated by this unimaginable loss, would like to express their gratitude for the support and tributes they have received from around the world. She was a bright and brave soul who relentlessly pursued her dreams and left an indelible mark on the hearts of those who lived Left. Who supported him. Knew,” the lawyers said in a statement.

The statement further said, “Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family, friends and the global dance community who are mourning the passing of this extraordinary man.”

Stew Leonard’s, which has three locations in Connecticut, issued a recall earlier this week for cookies that were sold under the Stew Leonard’s brand in stores in Danbury and Newington, according to Telemundo 47.


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