Drink to lose weight. The tea with three times more calcium than milk that you should start drinking to strengthen your bones and your health

The tea with three times more calcium than milk that you should start drinking to strengthen your bones and your healtharchive

Tea has become one of the most popular choices for health and fitness care, Its great variety allows us to choose the options that best suit what we want to achieve.


In recent times it has become popular A type of tea that has infinite properties and that’s three times more calcium than milk, We’re talking about kukicha tea, which is made primarily from the stems and twigs of green tea rather than the leaves. This fact means that it is a drink with a unique nutritional profile and has a low amount of theine, meaning it can also be drunk. No problem before sleeping without affecting sleep.

What is most special about this drink is its high calcium content, which is much higher than milk, as it has a higher calcium content. 440 mg per 100 g vs 125 mg of milk. Furthermore, it is also rich in antioxidants like vitamins C and E as well as flavonoids that help Combat cellular aging with the addition of B vitamins and mineralsSuch as selenium, zinc, copper, fluorine or manganese, thus contributing to strengthening the immune system. Contributes to lowering cholesterol and can help Reduce anxiety and depression.

Include Kukicha tea in your daily diet It is recommended to facilitate digestion after a heavy meal. Nor should we forget its diuretic effect, which also benefits people who have a tendency to retain fluids.

To prepare it, you just need to add two tablespoons of kukicha to water before it boils. And then let it rest for about two minutes. It is important not to exceed this time, because in that case the drink may become bitter.

Once The stems were removed, You can sweeten it with cinnamon, black pepper or ginger etc. You have to keep in mind that adding milk to it is not recommended, because in that case the antioxidant properties of the tea will reduce.


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