Euphoria star Dominic Fike was caught in a steamy kiss with Emma Roberts’ little sister, Grace Nicholls, sparking relationship rumors. english movie news

There is talk of a possible new couple in town – the 28-year-old Euphoria actor Dominic Fike and 22 years old grace nickelsyounger sister of emma roberts, The pair were most recently spotted engaging in a casual kiss outside a New York City hotel on Saturday, January 13.

In a scene that could be straight out of a romantic movie, Dominic And Grace were seen leaving the hotel in downtown Manhattan, exchanging affectionate moments and packing on the PDA. Given Grace’s family ties to Hollywood star Emma Roberts, the revelation of their affair adds an interesting twist; They have the same mother but different fathers.
Fueling relationship rumors, Grace posted a snapshot to her Instagram Story over the weekend that appeared to show Dominic holding her leg in a recording studio. The photo immediately caught the attention of fans, as a fan page of Dominic Fike reposted it, leading to even more speculation about their budding romance.

Dominic Fike, who was previously linked to Euphoria co-star Hunter Schafer, has been open about his dating preferences and the qualities he looks for in a partner. Specifically, he’s shared insights about his type and even mentioned dating fans in the past.

This potential new romance is now making headlines, and fans are curious to see if Dominic Fike and Grace Nicholls will publicly confirm their relationship or keep things under wraps. As the story unfolds, it seems that a new and interesting power couple may be forming in the entertainment world.

(TagstoTranslate)Grace Nicholls(T)Grace(T)Emma Roberts(T)Dominic Fike(T)Dominic

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