eye! These signs indicate that you have been hacked

Does your computer work differently? Do you have unknown charges? Your information may have been hacked

Currently, many of the tasks we do are in digital format. Most of our information is online, which means cyber criminals have a great opportunity to take over our data and later make money from it.

Even if you follow best practices, you are not immune from falling prey to fraud as attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated. So that you can calm down a bit, today we are going to talk to you about this. What are some signs that will tell you If any of your devices have been tampered with and hacked.

The first thing worth mentioning is that it is a mistake to think that because we are not well-known users, entrepreneurs or do not have large savings, we are not attractive to cybercriminals. reality Does our reputation have any value in the black market? Cybersecurity company BeyondTrust says this is why Internet users are at greater risk of attacks on their data every day.

So that you can take timely action and, where appropriate, mitigate the impact of a potential hack, we are going to share with you what are the symptoms that indicate that your information or device has been compromised .

If you detect this in your web activity, you have been hacked

When you are unlucky enough to become a victim of cyber criminals, you have to act immediately, the problem is that Due to the sophistication of the attacks people are They don’t realize that their information has been compromised and has already been misused until it’s too late.

The company BeyondTrust shares some signs that may indicate a possible hack into your accounts or devices, although some will seem quite logical to you, others may surprise you:

  • You find additional, unreasonable, unauthorized or exaggerated charges on your credit and debit cards.
  • There are emails in your Outbox that you never sent.
  • Via social networks, email or text messages, you receive messages containing sensitive information or photographs that you have not yet disclosed publicly.
  • When you review your outgoing call history you find communications you never made, including voice messages, video calls and chats.
  • There are social media posts you never made or alerts for new connections you didn’t initiate.
  • New devices have been added to your Apple, iCloud, Google, or Microsoft Live accounts in your Profile History.
  • Unexpected pop-ups appear when you are running certain functions in your operating system.
  • You are redirected to potentially dangerous sites while browsing the Internet.
  • You may find that your device or operating system responds more slowly as a result of malware working in the background.
  • You receive messages via SMS or otherwise about two-factor authentication attempts that you did not request.
  • You receive digital or physical emails from credit card companies or financial institutions with the terms of a loan you have not applied for.
  • Suddenly you may not be able to log into your online accounts despite having the correct login details.
  • You receive password change notifications on accounts you haven’t made changes to.

If you discover any of the above conditions, it is best to contact immediately The concerned bank, company or internet provider. In addition to allowing a good antivirus to scan your entire device looking for malware affecting it.

Ways to avoid becoming a victim of cyber criminals

BeyondTrust’s main recommendation to avoid becoming a victim of hacking relates to passwords and It is based on not reusing or sharing them to avoid attacksAt the same time, it made them so complex that it became difficult to guess.

Another tip is to not ignore legitimate emails alerting you about a new login or password change from a new device or location; If you take timely action, the damage can be reduced.



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