Former presidents testified that the DR elections were peaceful and orderly.

Former presidents testified that the DR elections were peaceful and orderly.

Andres Pastrana from Colombia and Jamil Mahuad from Ecuador

SANTO DOMINGO, February 28.- Former Presidents Andrés Pastrana of Colombia and Jamil Mahuad of Ecuador believe that participation in recent municipal elections in the Dominican Republic was “calm, orderly and enthusiastic.”

Both, members of the observation mission of the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA), issue these criteria in a report released this Wednesday in the Dominican Republic.

He highlighted the conduct of the February 18 elections by the Central Election Board (JCE), which allowed the exercise of voting without any major setbacks.

The central criteria for observing this mission were free political participation, organization of the process, use of technology, information channels and financing.

Events in Azua and Montecristi

According to observers, the municipal elections were held peacefully, except for incidents that occurred in the provinces of Azua and Monte Cristi.

He also acknowledged that participation (46.67%), “although it was lower than usual in presidential votes, falls within the Dominican average for this type of process.”

Similarly, he congratulated the Dominican people for exercising their political rights responsibly, valuing channels of communication and dialogue between different political actors and the JCE for democratic consolidation, and the appropriate use of technologies for transmission and dissemination of results. Gave.

“Within five days, complete counting was completed in 158 districts, so we reiterate our congratulations to the Central Election Board and its staff,” he said.

During its stay in the Dominican Republic, where it arrived on 15 February, the observation mission met, among others, with former Presidents Hipólito Mejía, Leonel Fernández (Fuerza del Pueblo) and Danilo Medina (Dominican Liberation Party, PLD). With the president of the ruling Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), José Ignacio Paliza, and directors of the Central Electoral Board.

They recommend continuing to reform the election system

In its document, the mission invites the Dominican authorities to improve the country’s electoral system, “to expand on these achievements, which serve as an example in the region, especially when it comes to free, fair, competitive elections.” , are periodic and reliable.

In the municipal elections of February 18, the PRM won comprehensively, electing 158 mayors, 1,164 councilors, 235 municipal directors and 735 members, in which more than 8.1 million Dominicans were called to participate.

With information from Agência EFE


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