How to Train Your Brain to Boost Self-Esteem, According to Celebrity Coach

Valuing, loving, and accepting oneself is one of the most complex tasks a human being faces. Psychologists assure that being high self respect allows you to enjoy positive attitude Coping with life, but also being more sympathetic Understand the feelings of others and be with them.

To improve self-confidence, professionals assure that the first step is to recognize and recognize low self-esteem And the second is to ask for help.

Curro CaneteThe author and professional coach – in addition to degrees in law, journalism and a degree from the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid – explains in his book love starts in you (Ed. Planeta) How to Increase Self-Love While Enjoying Life: «if we don’t love each other We won’t be able to be happy ourselves, we won’t be able to feel fulfilled or find the meaning of life” and adds: “When you don’t love yourself, you become your enemy. Instead of being for yourself, you are against yourself and this is a trick of your mind. When you become aware of this, only then can you take charge of your life and chart your own journey, charting your own path by becoming your own best friend. We will always make mistakes and we will always have ‘flaws’ We need to love ourselves unconditionallyWhich doesn’t mean we can’t continue to improve.

We will always make mistakes and we will always have ‘imperfections’ but we need to love ourselves unconditionally.Curro CaneteAuthor and professional coach

The coach I work with Athletes, Artists and Professionals As Ricky Rubio, Sandra Barneda, Loles Leon or Lydia Bosch, among others, explain its importance train the brain Just like we do with the body: “We have to do mental gymnastics, take control of our minds so we can consciously focus on what we want, because otherwise, if we put our minds on autopilot If we are, it can lead us towards negativity.” To destruction, to indifference.

An uneducated, untrained mind can find reasons to make you unhappy.Curro Canete

Canete assures that “an uneducated, untrained mind can always find For making you sad, It doesn’t matter that you have kids, that you have good relationships, that you have the house you love, it doesn’t matter that you have the job you love, that if the brains are less educated and Poorly trained, it can find reasons to make you unhappy every day. And this is what we have to stop.

three magical rules

author of best Sellers As the power to trust you -Translated into ten languages-; Now it’s your turn to be happy one of two don’t be afraid of anything explains in this new book three magical rules Loving Yourself:

  1. learn to say no
  2. What will they say, get rid of this pressure
  3. stop comparing yourself

For Canete, these three rules are very important because they can destroy your happiness and prevent you from creating your own life. «The ultimate aim of every individual is to achieve perfection as a human being, not merely to survive and put out fires. the purpose is to enjoy life And that life has deep meaning for the person. To reach it you need to achieve three things: if you are comparing yourself to others, if you are afraid of not doing what you want and if you are afraid of setting limits. Don’t dare and you will do it. Saying yes won’t give you any meaning in life when you really don’t want to do anything.

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