“I don’t understand how the Argentine people voted for a man who despises the people.”

(CNN Spanish) — It didn’t take long for Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to respond after Argentina’s President Javier Meili called him “ignorant” in an interview with CNN en Español.

In the absence of his usual morning press conference, López Obrador resorted to posting on his X account this Thursday. There he wrote: “Miley claimed I was ignorant because I called her a conservative.”

Pope Francis and even Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro were included in the response to López Obrador.

The Mexican President agreed with Miley as he said he did not understand “how Argentina, despite being so intelligent, voted for a man who is impure, who despises the people and who accused his countryman Francisco of being a communist. And dared to accuse him of being representative.” Evil on earth.”

CNN attempts to get a response from the Vatican regarding López Obrador’s words.

Interviewed at the Oppenheimer Presenta, Miley laid out his definitions of the issues central to the region and the world. When asked about Mexico and its president, he said “It’s a compliment that an ignorant person like López Obrador speaks ill of me, it increases my dignity.”

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Additionally, López Obrador sent a “hug” to Colombian President Gustavo Petro, whom Miley called a “terrorist” in the same interview. In protest at Miley’s statements, the Colombian government on Wednesday ordered the expulsion of the entire Argentine diplomatic corps from the country.

In response to López Obrador’s “embrace”, Petro pointed to x: “Thank you Andres Manuel @lopezobrador_ I think Miley wants to destroy, or at least postpone, the Latin American integration project. Today the Argentine people are suffering and poverty is increasing.” He then went on to say that “Miley’s promise to replicate the neoliberal system of 30 years ago may fail; his thesis in the world today has seen how neoliberalism made the climate crisis worse, and brought us to the brink as a species.” But the issue of extinction is not right. It is the Argentine people who should discuss and decide on these issues.”

And regarding what he called an “insult”, he said: “Despite the insult, we must preserve the project of unity in diversity of Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Mexican presidential hopefuls Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling party and Xochitl Galvez of the opposition parties PAN-PRI-PRD also reacted to Miley’s insult on Wednesday. Sheinbaum asked for respect and Gálvez joked: “I don’t allow President Miley to speak bad about Andrés Manuel López Obrador, I’ll take care of it.”

With information from Mauricio Torres.

(TagstoTranslate)Andrés Manuel López Obrador(T)Gustavo Petro(T)InstanNoticias(T)Javier Miley

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