Know 5 customs to welcome New Year

On New Year’s Eve, many people want to attract good luck and success for the next twelve months, so they want to perform rituals with which they believe they can achieve them.

Cultures play an important role in human life. They not only connect us to our beliefs and traditions, but also allow us to attract good luck, love, prosperity and positivity into our lives. Learn something here:

  • Eating Dal on New Year’s Eve

These tiny beans are not only a healthy food rich in nutrients, but they are also considered a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Therefore, there are people who include them in their New Year’s Eve dinner in the hope of attracting good luck.

But if you want to take this ritual a step further, you can try carrying a handful of lentils with you in your purse or pocket. It is said that this will help in bringing even more prosperity and luck into your life.

  • Amulet for love and good luck, a ring in a champagne glass

If in the New Year you want to find love and luck in all aspects of your life, we invite you to try a fascinating ritual. During New Year’s Eve dinner, place a ring or any other piece of jewelry in the glass of champagne, cider or cava with which you will toast.

The purpose of this small symbolic sign is to attract positive energy and open the door to love and good fortune in the coming year. In addition, it is a beautiful detail that can become one of the best gifts to start the year in the best possible way.

If you want to completely leave behind the bad vibes and negative energies of the year that has ended, we invite you to perform a simple but powerful ritual. In the first minutes of the New Year, pick up the broom and go through the hall of your house. Open the door and sweep out of the house.

The purpose of this symbolic sign is to ward off everything negative and pave the way for renewal and positivity in your life. By moving out, you are literally saying goodbye to the old and making room for the new and the best that is yet to come.

  • throw away old things

There’s nothing like getting rid of the old to bring in the new. A tradition in southern Italy involves throwing old or broken items out the window. However, instead of putting any passerby at risk, you can simply prepare a bag with everything you want to throw in and that’s it.

This symbolic ritual, which even the famous cleaning expert Marie Kondo would approve of, allows you to free yourself of burdens and items that no longer serve you. By doing this, you are making room for new opportunities, experiences, and things in your life.

  • coins inside shoes

Finally, a classic ritual to attract good luck in the New Year is to place coins or bills inside your shoes during dinner. The purpose of this tradition is to attract wealth and prosperity in the coming year.

By carrying this amulet with you during dinner, you are symbolically attracting money and abundance into your life. It’s a simple, but “powerful” gesture that can make a difference to your finances and your general well-being.

With information from TV Azteca.

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(TagstoTranslate)2024(T)Abundance(T)New Year(T)Good Luck(T)End of Year(T)Cover(T)Prosperity(T)Ritual

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