Llodio and Amurrio move cooperatively for the material well-being of their neighbors

Llodio and Amurrio move cooperatively for the material well-being of their neighborsAraceli Oyarzabal

TTP-TTAPA shared trips Which was activated by the Municipality of Amurrio at the end of last year, demonstrating the power of the community to promote the health and well-being of the entire population, he has scheduled a new appointment for this Friday (23 February). Departure from Plaza Juan Urrutia at 10:00 am.

This is a series of The walkways – very economical due to their length and low gradient as well as proximity to the urban area – have had various associations cooperate in their design. and municipal groups such as the Council of Elders and Nagusilan, the Amaurre School and the Zaraobe Institute, or Assam (Ayalesa Association of Relatives and People with Mental Illness).

Multiple Tour Itineraries

And it is much more than just a simple walking programme, because – as explained by its coordinator, Eunice Arrieta – “It is an example of collaborative work in which Padayatra tries to adapt to the needs of different groupsIncluding routes of different distances and to accommodate the functional diversity of those who dare to participate.

In short, a project that involves different agents of the municipality where it is implemented, in order to promote the active participation of the community in the promotion of L.For health and wellness And in addition, social cohesion, inter-generational work and integration of people with functional diversity are promoted.

Basque program

The initiative (which will have new sessions on 18 March, 17 April, 9 and 31 May and 19 June) is part of the “Mugiment” program promoted by the Health Department of the Basque Government in more than 60 cities. Councils and more than 40 agents are involved. In fact, it has also arrived in neighboring Lodio this month under the name “Bidelagun”, and in a collaboration plan to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary lifestyle in the city, involving organizations ranging from technical staff to municipal addicts. Including representatives of all. Sartu, Pensionistk, Union of Pensioners San Roquetazar, Laudio Institutua, Assam, Solstiar or Apadema, among others.

They all agreed to promote healthy walking among groups of different abilities and ages, passing the litmus test since the first round of visits. Return between Hercio Plaza and Guardia neighborhood The 5th date was a complete success. The next one will take place on Wednesday, February 28 and, although it will also depart from the Town Hall Square, it will head to the Areta neighbourhood.

normal channel

The City Council will inform in the coming days, through its usual communication channels, the routes of the next departures, as another one is planned On 21st March.

In presentation of These Walks in Loudio Juan Carlos Fernández Crespo, Deputy Director of Public Health of the Basque Government, highlighted the success of this program, ensuring that “in all the places where it has been evaluated, it has been very positive, as it provides physical and psychological benefits to participants.” Physically, because they move their bodies and psychologically, because they leave the house and interact.” And this project aims to provide an opportunity to know, share, empathize and interact with each other, in addition to promoting physical activity.”

Not working

In another sequence of issues, the Amurio City Council has given notice that this Thursday the panoramic elevator connecting Forú and Dionisio Aldama streets at the height of Plaza San Anton will be out of service, as was the case on Wednesday. And the visibility and security of the infrastructure is being improved, as reported by DIARIO DE NOTICIAS DE LAVA last December. The intervention, with an estimated cost of just over 15,000 euros, will serve to replace the current scratched and broken doors with new glass doors, and install new LED light strips that will strengthen visibility and lighting at night. The operation is also being used to clean the inside of the glass structure around and protecting the lift, which has hardly undergone any maintenance since it became operational in 2011. The elevator, whose construction involved an outlay of 700,000 euros, overcomes a little more than 8 meters of difference in level between Forú Street and Dionisio Aldama, in the vicinity of the Plaza de San Antón, from where the elevator platform can be accessed. Is. Through a walkway 18 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. Halfway through the journey, which can also be done on foot along stairs running parallel, the lift has the option of stopping at the shopping arcade and Llanbide employment centre.

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