Magical fruit smoothie ideal for avoiding the summer cold

This shake provides a balanced combination of fiber and nutrient-rich ingredients to naturally stimulate bowel function.

The perfect smoothie to avoid stomach upset.

Famous “Magic Smoothies” Are drink Natural ingredients that take care of health and help serve certain purposes. In this case, experts issued a simple the con Recommended for those who fight against constipationA common problem that can affect Quality of life,

to encourage bowel regularity and improve digestive HealthThis can be a well balanced smoothie natural solution And effective, wishes to present its combination of carefully selected ingredients fiber, Liquid substance And Nutrients The key to improving gastrointestinal health.

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What are the ingredients in Magic Smoothie to go to the bathroom?

fiber It is an essential component to promote bowel regularity, full of fruits fiberAs plum, Fig, Pear one of two Apple, they are excellent choices. Are Fruit Contains sorbitol and soluble fiber, which helps soften stool and provides convenience Excretion,

Besides, green leafy vegetables Such as spinach or chard provide additional fiber and other nutrients beneficial for digestive health.



Smoothie Recipe for Bowel Regularity

  • 3 plums.
  • 2 dried figs.
  • 1 pear or apple.
  • A handful of fresh spinach.
  • 1 cup water or coconut water.

How to prepare it?

bus place All ingredients in a blender And mix until smooth. can do Drink this smoothie in the morning Have it as part of breakfast or during the day to reap its benefits.

It is important to remember that hydration also plays an important role in gut health, Adequate water intake can be achieved throughout the day with this smoothie Increase its positive effects on bowel regularity.

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