Medicine and music merge at Clinirock, the rockiest event of the year

Music and medicine. The two sides, at first, find it hard to believe that they can come together, but it has over the years San Carlos Clinical Hospital He has undertaken to demonstrate that this is possible with his simple behavior ‘Clinirock’ concert, a pure phenomenon pop rock Who has turned a hospital auditorium ‘upside down’ with the participation of four musical groups doctor and nurse Of the hospital itself.

in Christmas concert They started in 2005 with the help of traumatologists. Enrique Gallot, Who was looking to organize a concert representing the Madrid Clinic. To do this, they sought out hospital health professionals who played an instrument or had a musical group to participate in the event, which was “open to all.”

Despite a three-year break due to coronavirus, these Musician and health worker They have returned with more enthusiasm than ever and managed to fill the auditorium with colleagues, hospitalized patients and even visiting relatives who could not resist the sounds that rang through the room. guitar and drum solo Which came out from that place.

Nephrologist Francisco Coronel was one of the doctors who participated in the concert with the group formed by anesthesiologists. He remembers well how those present could not stop applauding, dance and sing The entire repository of songs performed by these musicians.

“Music and art are very close to doctors”

For Coronel, there is a very strong relationship between the two medicine and music, “I think that, in general, Doctor is very artistic, Music and art have always been very close to us. When I was anesthetist before nephrologist I put my patients to sleep Singing songs and waking up listening to them. Imagine how much music means to our region,” he stressed.

The concert, whose motto was ‘We protest’Started with group at 7pm ‘Party Embrace’After ‘BluRays’, composed of radiologists. Later, Galiot’s group worked with a mix of traumatologists, digestive doctors, nephrologists, and nurses. was the last group to participate ‘Low Flow Blues Band’ Composed of anesthetists and supported by a bagpiper jose angel guendez And Francisco Coronel.

The latter was in charge of closing such a magical night where he displayed a wide repertoire of rock and roll music and, at the end, sang a song. carol With the whole room. “I asked all the participating musicians to come on stage to sing with me,” he said. Due to the good reception of the event, Coronel has stated that, with the approval of the new hospital manager, Cesar Gomez, next year We will enjoy a concert again where music and medicine reach the heart Of all those present.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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