Natalie Portman draws parallels between psychology and acting

Natalie Portman thought that comedy and psychology were “three parallels”.

The “May December” actress took a pause in her career to obtain a diploma in psychology at Harvard University and she thought the two subjects involved in observation were part of the reason behind her work.

Inquiring about the usefulness of the son’s diploma during his visit, a declaration about Radio Times magazine: “I know how similar it is – I should work as an actor, as an essayist I Via font chès’ ils font et ce qui les forms. Les schemes, les compartments”.

In “May December” Natalie plays an actress named Elizabeth who prepares to land a role in the film.

Elle ajute: “C’est un classic de la literature et du theatre. Quand on lit Chekhov, on se demand ce la narration n’est pas en train de voler la vie des gens. Je pense que tout artist dot d’un cuer And once again a question was asked. Have you thought about using art as a vampire? La vie de Quelkun”.

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