Official dollar and blue dollar rates today, Saturday, December 30 | Xavier Miley | DNU | , argentina

Blue Dollar Today Minute by Minute, Saturday, December 30, 2023. Photo: Rachana LR/Baron/Profile

located at the price of blue dollar $950.00 for purchase and $1000.00 For sale. This occurred after the first protests recorded in Argentina against the government of Javier Miley, who presented a Decision of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) Among the 366 articles that indicate deeper regulation of the economy, one proposes “trauma stabilization plan”, repeals several laws and regulations and aims to pursue privatization of public companies.

Blue dollar price in Argentina today, Saturday, December 30

Where can you buy dollars?

In Argentina, there are many options for obtaining US currency, both directly and indirectly through banks, the stock market and exchange platforms.

Argentina informed BRICS countries that it will not join that group

Argentine President Javier Meili formally informed the leaders of the countries that make up the BRICS group that he will not join that group of emerging economies, official sources confirmed to EFE this Friday. Miley informed him of his decision in letters sent to Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on 22 December; From South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa; Xi Jinping from China and Vladimir Putin from Russia and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India.

With information from EFE

Argentina’s stock market closes 2023 with profitability despite inflation and election concerns

The S&P Merval index of major shares of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange closed 2023 with remarkable profitability, despite concerns of high inflation and a lengthy electoral process, which kept investors in suspense and ended with a victory in the presidential elections. By Xavier Miley, promoter of absolute freedom in the economy. The indicator increased by 364.61% during the year, which is much higher than the 142% gain measured in local currency achieved last year.

With information from EFE.

Argentina informed BRICS countries that it will not join that group

Argentine President Javier Meili formally informed the leaders of the countries that make up the BRICS group that he will not join that group of emerging economies, official sources confirmed to EFE this Friday. Miley informed him of his decision in letters sent to Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on 22 December; From South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa; Xi Jinping from China and Vladimir Putin from Russia and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India.

With information from EFE.

What did the blue dollar close at yesterday, Friday, December 29?

According to the exchange market in Argentina, the blue dollar is quoted at 975.00 for buying and 1025.00 for selling.

How much is the blue dollar today, December 30th?

He official dollar It started on this 30th December $787.55 for purchase and $843.51 for sale, while dollar blue the day has started $950.00. for purchase and $1000.00. For sale, according to the Central Bank of Argentina.

Xavier Miley, who faced first Oppose against your government recently affordable tights In which he devalued the country’s currency by more than 50% and announced the implementation of 300 new measures.

What were the measures announced by Xavier Miley?

  1. Repeal of rent laws: So that the real estate market can function smoothly again and renting is not a difficult task.
  2. Supply laws should be repealed so that the State may never again attack the property rights of individuals.
  3. The Gondola Law should be repealed so that the State would stop interfering in the decisions of Argentine businessmen.
  4. Repeal the national procurement law that benefits only a few power players.
  5. Abolishing the Price Observatory of the Ministry of Economy to avoid harassment of companies.
  6. Repeal of the Industrial Promotion Act.
  7. Repeal of Trade Promotion Act.
  8. Repeal of rules preventing privatization of public companies.
  9. Repeal of the rule of state companies.
  10. Conversion of all state companies into public limited companies for subsequent privatization.
  11. Modernization of labor system to facilitate the process of real employment creation.
  12. Reforms in the Customs Code to facilitate international trade.
  13. Repeal of land law to promote investment.
  14. Amendment in fire management law.
  15. Obligations of sugar mills regarding sugar production should be abolished.
  16. Freedom from the legal system applicable to the liquor sector.
  17. Repeal of the National Mining Trading System and Mining Information Bank.
  18. Authorization for the transfer of the total or partial share package of Aerolíneas Argentinas.
  19. Implementation of Open Sky Policy.
  20. Amendments to the Civil and Commercial Code to strengthen the principle of contractual freedom between parties.
  21. Amendments to the Civil and Commercial Code to guarantee that obligations contracted in foreign currency must be paid in the agreed currency.
  22. Amendments to the regulatory framework for prepaid medical and social services.
  23. Removal of price restrictions on prepaid industry.
  24. Involvement of prepaid pharmaceutical companies in social action system.
  25. Establishment of electronic prescribing to streamline service and reduce costs.
  26. Amendments to the arrangements of pharmaceutical companies to promote competition and reduce costs.
  27. Amending company law to allow football clubs to become public limited companies if they wish.
  28. Regulation of satellite internet services.
  29. Regulation of tourism sector by ending monopoly of tourism agencies.
  30. Incorporation of digital tools for automotive registration processes.

How to buy MEP dollars?

when buying dollars MEPThe first thing to keep in mind is the schedule of each banking company, as they have defined schedules for these types of operations, so buying and selling may take time.

What was the inflation in Argentina in November?

According to National Institute of Statistics and Census (indec), the inflation In argentina It reached 12.8% in November, while the year-on-year measurement accumulated 148.2%. is about Highest price rise of the year: The inflation The rate was around 12% in August and September, while it slowed to 8.3% in October.

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