Palestinian Authority in Gaza: Preparing for the next massacre

Recent US aid to Israel, following the Hamas attack on October 7, is no exception to the rule: It always comes with conditions.

The United States is now pressuring Israel to reduce bombing of Gaza, halt military activity against Hamas, allow humanitarian aid to be sent to Hamas, and even end the fighting altogether. All of these undermine the war’s goals, but are consistent with US pressure exerted on Israel in previous conflicts.

However, there is a need that crosses the line. Barely a week had passed since October 7, and President Joe Biden already believed 60 minutes That a “pathway toward a Palestinian state” was necessary. Since then, the “two-state solution,” which demands tough concessions from Israel on security and the handing over of territory to the Palestinians, has become a central part of the Biden administration’s policy following the genocide.

In particular, the Biden administration is pushing to establish a Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in Gaza following the expected defeat of Hamas. After the fight, Biden said Washington PostThe Gaza Strip “should be administered by a renewed Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution.”

It must be said that Biden is sticking to the decades-old American policy. But by making this demand, he ignores those decades’ worth of sources and prepares the ground for the next Black Sabbath, because it is in Gaza where the two-state solution has already been fully implemented.

Under the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority has already taken control of the Palestinian population in Gaza. During the same period that the Palestinian Authority ruled Gaza, Hamas became more popular and powerful than the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority. And a few months later, after Israel’s complete withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas defeated Fatah in elections for the Palestinian Authority legislature, and then forcibly (and easily) expelled Fatah from Gaza in 2007. Organizational development of the areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria. And meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority and Fatah continue to preach hatred and violence against Israel to Palestinian society.

Biden’s early-morning policy also ignores deep resentment toward Abbas and the Palestinian Authority. A poll conducted by the Palestinian Institute for Policy and Survey Research in March showed that 52 percent of Palestinians agreed that dismantling the Palestinian Authority would serve Palestinian interests and 63 percent thought the Palestinian Authority was a burden. 77% supported Ibn Mazen’s resignation.

In September, another JPPI poll showed that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would win the presidential election with 58% to 37% support. It is no wonder that Abbas has refused to hold elections for the Palestinian presidency and legislature for nearly two decades. In light of all this, the reestablishment of a Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in Gaza could also push the end of the Palestinian Authority or, more likely, turn it into a tool in the hands of extremists in the Gaza Strip, regardless of Fatah’s Be it a member or a member of Hamas.

The resumption of efforts for a Palestinian state after October 7 is also an extraordinary insult. A popular Palestinian group that has won majority control of the Palestinian legislature, in collaboration with other Palestinian factions, has killed 1,200 Israeli settlers and abducted another 240, including women, children and Holocaust survivors.

He spread terror in Israel by launching more than 10,000 rockets in Israel in two months. So far, about 170 IDF soldiers have been martyred in the Gaza Strip in the fight against these terrorists and will continue to be martyred in the future. The Fatah-led Palestinian Authority did not condemn the massacre but denied it, while Fatah and its offshoots also praised the massacre. Biden’s push to reward barbarity by granting territory, money and power, and to make this barbarity and the sacrifice of IDF soldiers the basis for the establishment of a Palestinian state is shocking.

It is necessary to end the vicious cycle of empowering and rewarding terrorism, a cycle that does not inspire hope for peace, but rather confirms hope for the elimination of the Jewish state.

The Palestinian Authority and Palestinian society must demonstrate that they aspire to peace with Israel, stop rewarding terrorists, erase the names of terrorists from streets and squares, remove officials who support terrorism, stop Palestinian children Educate them for co-existence. Stop being crazy about the number of houses built by Jews and the number of Jews praying at Judaism’s holiest site.

They also need to abandon the vision of destroying the state of Israel, as a June poll indicated that 66% of Palestinians believe Israel will not exist until 2048 and 51% believe That the Palestinians will be able to get all of western Transjordan. They should show us Palestinian movements advocating coexistence with Israel, such as the annual kite-flying festival celebrated by many Israelis, including some of the massacres carried out by Hamas.

Of course, one can only laugh at such thoughts. For this reason, Israel must not entrust its security – that is, its future – to a Palestinian state or Palestinian Authority, no matter how renewed.

(tagstotranslate)Palestinian Authority

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