Recognition of traditional medicine for preservation and promotion of culture

La Paz, (12/29/23).- The President of the Parliamentary Brigade of La Paz, Deputy Oscar Guisbelli Limachi (MAS-IPSP), recognized the country’s traditional doctors for the work they do to preserve and promote Bolivian culture. of.

“We must reevaluate our traditional medicine, we want to work with unity in recognition of all of you and we highlight your work that preserves and promotes our culture,” Guisbelli said during his speech.

Traditional Bolivian medicine focuses on a set of concepts, knowledge and ancient ancient practices based on the use of material and spiritual resources to prevent and treat diseases, and which is part of the national health system.

On this occasion, representatives of traditional ancestral medicine highlighted the work of the Parliamentary Brigade of La Paz and supported the management of Deputy Guisbelli.

According to the Political Constitution of the State, its Article 42 establishes that it is the responsibility of the State to promote and guarantee the respect, use, research and practice of traditional medicine, to protect the ideas and values ​​of ancestral knowledge and practices. and native indigenous peasant people of all countries.

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