SEMERGEN offers a specific subject of family medicine in the degree to attract talent in primary care

01/25/2024 Presentation of document. Semergen Health

The Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN) has presented a document with a number of measures to attract and retain doctors in primary care, among them the inclusion of a specific subject, Family Medicine (FM) at degree level. There is a proposal to increase the presence of. To improve the training students receive. The document ‘How to attract and retain talent in primary care’ was presented this Thursday by SEMERGEN and contains a set of intervention proposals aimed at attracting a greater number of professionals to the first stage of care in the health system And they have to provide a professional. Carrier. attractive which ensures its durability in this region. The Society condemned that the underprovision of human resources in primary care is “a serious structural problem” that causes “great concern among the agents making up the health system” and calls for “immediate, bold and disruptive responses to be able to There is a need” to continue to provide the best possible care and treatment for patients and meet the needs of the population. For Semmergen, this is a problem that is getting worse every year, because there are not enough new specialist professionals being brought in through MIR to cover the retirements that are occurring, which “decreases the quality of this level of care.” Puts the world at risk.” “Not only is there a need to attract large numbers of doctors into training in family medicine, but once their training phase is complete, they will remain at this level of care,” he says of the society. According to José Polo, President of the State Treaty SEMERGEN, “All actors in the health sector – professionals, managers, patients, political representatives – agree on the urgent need to strengthen primary care, both in resources and capacities and powers, but beyond that in public Despite speeches and election promises, the reality is that solutions do not emerge. We must act: our health system urgently needs a state agreement between the Autonomous Communities and the Government of Spain”, Dr. Polo concluded. In recent years, various action plans to improve the provision of PA resources by the Autonomous Communities have been launched under the leadership of the Ministry of Health. “However, given the current situation, it has been shown that these measures are not sufficient to face the crisis of low numbers of primary care physicians suffering in our country. At SEMERGEN, we believe that it is necessary to establish a A consensus roadmap, which includes the highest decision-makers at all levels of administration, the Government of Spain and the Autonomous Communities,” said Rafael Maico, First Vice President of the company. In addition to increasing the presence of family medicine in training, SEMERGEN proposes the implementation of comprehensive incentives that make the specialty of family medicine more attractive. To do this, it is considered necessary to know what is really inspiring to young doctors, through a specific qualitative macro study, which aims to know the vision and needs of young doctors in relation to PC. Similarly, it suggests restoring prestige to the specialty of family medicine and the role of the primary care physician, changing the discourse and reinforcing positive messages about this specialty. The Scientific Society also proposes to review and improve the staff and tasks assigned to the different profiles of the AP team; Review and update the current MIR system to adjust to the context and needs of the SNS. At this point, Polo has called for changes in MIR, such as giving more importance to student occupations. “We give a lot of importance to the file and we should give more importance to the business as well as to scoring it. There are many colleagues who have not been able to reach based on the numbers and their business has not been given the attention they deserve.” explained Polo, who said that measuring this point is “complex”, but that it opened the door to “studying it with experts.” In addition, the company also suggested other points, such as establishing a specific plan for rural areas or positions that are difficult to fill, and implementing indicators and measurement and evaluation criteria.

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