Why is it convenient to do strength exercises?

Why is it convenient to do strength exercises?

When people over 100 are asked what the secret to longevity is, the answers vary. According to Jessie Galen, a woman who lived to be 109, the secret to her long life was to “stay away from men.” For another centenary of olive netting, this included “one guinea per day”. On the contrary, if we … Read more

A complete routine that you can incorporate into your daily life

A complete routine that you can incorporate into your daily life

If you’re over the age of 50, you may start to notice that your hinges have rusted. Your knuckles swell, your knees, back, neck, hips or shoulders crack. You feel pain in these or other joints, feel stiffness and lose range of motion. These are all symptoms of arthritis. But is there anything we can … Read more

Do seven exercises every morning and stay healthy

Do seven exercises every morning and stay healthy

Do you wake up like a spring in the morning, ready to jump and run? Of course the opposite happens and when you get up you feel stiff or stiff, which goes away after a while. Although this stiffness is associated with aging and health disorders like arthritis, it is also a normal thing that … Read more

Ophthalmology Diet Be careful: These foods can harm your eyesight

Ophthalmology Diet  Be careful: These foods can harm your eyesight

Be careful: These foods can harm your eyesightpixabay visual health It is an important aspect of our overall well-being, and although factors such as genetics and aging play a significant role, Diet It also has a great impact on the health of our eyes. Some foods can be harmful to your eyesight, And understand what … Read more