“It is a problem for the whole of Spain, the only country where this is not characteristic”

“It is a problem for the whole of Spain, the only country where this is not characteristic”

They demand degrees in medicine and laboratory genetics in the Murcia region: “It is a problem for the whole of Spain, the only country without this specialty”it genetics “Essential for the prevention, treatment, diagnosis and management of all diseases that have a genetic basis“, As cancermalformations or reproductive problems, as well rare diseasescardiological, neurological And … Read more

Bayer was ordered to pay $2.25 billion after a jury concluded that Roundup weedkiller caused one person to get cancer, lawyers say.

Bayer was ordered to pay .25 billion after a jury concluded that Roundup weedkiller caused one person to get cancer, lawyers say.

(CNN) — Plaintiffs’ attorneys announced that a Pennsylvania jury returned a $2.25 billion verdict against Monsanto and its parent company, Bayer, after determining that their Roundup herbicide product caused cancer in a man. John McKevison, 49, who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, sued the company, saying it was accused of using Roundup on his property … Read more