Venezuela has approved a law to annex Essequibo which Guyana considers a serious threat

Venezuela has approved a law to annex Essequibo which Guyana considers a serious threat

Venezuela approved legislation this week to annex the Essequibo territory, part of a historic dispute with Guyana. The National Assembly, controlled by Nicolás Maduro, has formally created the state of Guayana Essequiba, which Venezuela’s president had already ordered to be included on the country’s official maps last December. This forest area of ​​approximately 160,000 square … Read more

María Corina Machado leaves the door open for the candidacy of an alternative opposition in Venezuela

María Corina Machado leaves the door open for the candidacy of an alternative opposition in Venezuela

The Venezuelan opposition is entering an important week. Chavismo has imposed an electoral agenda and vetoed the participation of Maria Corina Machado, who was disqualified after judicial moves. In a few days, a seven-day period for nomination of candidates to be done online through the National Electoral Council platform will open. Nicolas Maduro has already … Read more