María Corina Machado leaves the door open for the candidacy of an alternative opposition in Venezuela

The Venezuelan opposition is entering an important week. Chavismo has imposed an electoral agenda and vetoed the participation of Maria Corina Machado, who was disqualified after judicial moves. In a few days, a seven-day period for nomination of candidates to be done online through the National Electoral Council platform will open. Nicolas Maduro has already been anointed by his people. The Unitary Platform maintains its support for Machado, who was elected with more than two million votes in the succeeding primaries, who will not be able to register.

In a message on her social networks, the candidate has assured that she will remain on the electoral path, but she has left up in the air that the veto on her candidacy will not prevent the opposition from having an alternative in the presidential elections on July 28. “Be assured that with the participation and support of all sectors that want immediate change in Venezuela, I will make the right decisions to move forward on this path.”

Although Machado has not said it explicitly, the dilemma of registering an option for which the leader can raise his hand and somehow support his political capital should be resolved soon, as the program is rapidly Moving forward. From 21st to 25th, applicants will be able to register through the CNE digital platform. In his message he outlined to the government the paths it could take: “facilitate a negotiated transition through free presidential elections within the framework of the Barbados Agreement” or resort to a hard-fought election. Go to Options. “This is the worst option for everyone and besides, it will not stop the infection, because neither the country nor the world will accept it. “They can delay change but cannot stop it,” he said. Machado sought peace and called to his side not only those who were Chavistas, but also the current bases of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. “What is Maduro afraid of? They are afraid of the tremendous will of the country that wants change,” he said. “Never in 25 years have we had 80% support for a presidential election. “The hand won is not blocked.”

Everything indicates that Manuel Rosales, governor of the state of Zulia, the founder of a new time, and the fundamental leader of the Venezuelan opposition, interested in becoming the presidential candidate of the democratic currents, by consensus or rejection. One of his confidants, Luis Emilio Rondon, has publicly put his name on the table as a possible person of unity in the event of the inevitable replacement of María Corina Machado. Rosales, already a candidate in 2006, has sought an end to international sanctions, and is one of the few opposition politicians who has some kind of political connection to Maduro. The card of Un Nuevo Tiempo, a liberal social democratic party that is part of the Unitary Platform, is one of the few authorized by the National Electoral Council to participate in the race.

Over the weekend, officials deleted the list of parties authorized to participate. In addition to the position of the UNT, the position of the Democratic Unity Roundtable was also accepted, the most voted for by the opposition in recent years, to which Chavismo opposed a card. zombie, of Min-Unidad, which copies some of its symbols. Judicial intervention had been carried out in recent years to enforce Chavismo-related directives in 11 of the 34 organizations acknowledged. The rest are small-scale organizations and allies of Maduro. The opening of the electoral registry was moved forward at some intersections in the country and abroad as part of the electoral program, drawing protests from Venezuelans who found that the consulates were not prepared for that day.

The parties of the Unitary Platform, which do not have particularly good relations with Machado, have publicly declared that they are willing to follow his guidelines in order to consolidate the electoral path, a path that this time will be fully There is agreement. However, negotiations behind closed doors are tense, with conflicting interests, and the pressure of urgency. Some say that Manuel Rosales is not likely to be accepted by María Corina Machado’s political team.

Machado has some levels of popularity and has built a movement with far more political capital than the politicians of the Unitary Platform, although his leadership operates in a precarious and dangerous context. It seems highly unlikely that he will decide to reject his leadership, step down or cede power to other actors through any agreed process. The sources consulted, who are highly confidential, recognize the internal tensions, indicating that whatever is needed to guide any agreement will be done. But in Machado’s terms.

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