The House of Commons of the United Kingdom approved the bill that provides for the deportation of immigrants to Rwanda

The House of Commons of the United Kingdom approved a bill that provides for the deportation of immigrants to Rwanda (Reuters)

House of Commons of United Kingdom This Wednesday the bill was approved that wants Conduct oneself migrants to rwanda, The vote ended with 320 delegates in favor and 276 against, so the plan will now go to the House of Lords for a second examination.

This definition, which concluded with a wide margin between opponents and promoters, also represents a huge relief for the Prime Minister, rishi sunakBecause it was a significant threat to his leadership.

Since arriving in Downing Street, Sunak has committed to reducing immigration from the United Kingdom, which has reached record levels, as well as blocking asylum seekers from entering the region from France by boat. That is why he promoted this project, which he considers necessary to discourage people from traveling on unauthorized routes.

With this result, Sunak averted a significant threat to his leadership within the party (REUETRS).

However, a group of conservative MP Members of his party had expressed their opposition to the potential Rwandan security law (asylum and immigration) and their negative vote could have tipped the balance against the President, who had staked his political future on the plan.

The rebels believed that the guidelines did not go far enough, but Sunak was opposed to taking their proposal forward as he believed that, if he did so, it would be vetoed entirely by the liberal faction. will go, which already considers it at the limit. Which is acceptable.

Conservative opponents also include former prime minister boris johnson Although he is not a deputy and did not participate in the voting, he expressed his support for the dissidents.

Ultimately, about 60 of these MLAs backed down, giving the initiative a victory.

Johnson was among the celebrities who supported nearly 60 opponents of the project (Reuters)

In any case, Sunak will still have to work to win the support of the main opposition group, Labour, before the national vote, given that his party is riddled with factions. Even in the Lords, the government does not have a majority and if it does not get more support, it could end in a new fight between politicians.

Similarly, the text may face legal appeals from humanitarian organizations which would further prolong the debate.

The bill is due for April 2022, when Johnson first announced the plan, but it was blocked by the European Court of Human Rights and local justice, which declared it illegal.

Later, it was taken up by the current British President as a response to a ruling by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in late 2023, which established that the deportation of asylum seekers to Kigali is illegal. With international law…

The initiative positions Rwanda as a safe country and seeks to give ministers the power to ignore sections of international and British human rights law (Reuters).

That’s why, now, Sunak has proposed Rwanda should be considered a safe country And wants to give ministers the power to ignore sections of international and British human rights law.

In December, the text was already subjected to a preliminary two-day evaluation in the House of Commons, which ended with a first approval.

(With information from AFP)

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