The John Cassavetes film that inspired Austin Butler

Austin Butler has come a long way since his early days starring in Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows.

He’s now an Oscar-nominated actor thanks to his stellar performance as Elvis Presley, a project that made him disappear into the ‘King of Rock and Roll’ so much so that, even now, he can still talk in the voice of Elvis Presley. Have been. It’s a reminder of what kind of artist Butler really is. things he’d cut his teeth on Ruby and Rockits And Carrie Diaries But he is a dedicated, passionate actor who takes his art very seriously.

Regarding his future roles, including dune part 2 and Steven Spielberg TV series lord of air, Butler said, “I know I would rather work less and be able to invest in everything I do instead of trying to complete one project after another and not being able to give everything. I’d rather go after things that really scare me, that push me to the very edge of what I believe is possible in myself. “That’s what I want to go after.” If those words are anything to go by, his bold portrayal of Presley is a sign of things to come.

In the same interview, Butler listed five films that inspired him, and he discussed each with infectious, passionate enthusiasm that revealed how much cinema and the art of acting really mean to him. One of the films he discussed was a woman under the influence, written and directed by John Cassavetes. This is no surprising inclusion as the film features Gena Rowlands’ extremely powerful portrayal of a housewife struggling with mental illness, one of the most acclaimed acting performances of all time.

Butler described Rowland as a “force of nature” and further commented: “When you’re watching acting it doesn’t feel like acting – when it doesn’t feel even the slightest bit like acting, It’s like you’re a flying person on the wall looking at humans – that’s the thing I feel when I watch Cassavetes. And I want to make work like that very badly. He’s definitely one of Rowlands’ Will not be the only artist to be inspired by the work a woman under the influenceBecause it truly is the stuff of legend.

Other films listed by Butler were east of eden, raging Bull, pulp Fiction And magnolia, highlighting it pulp Fiction It is significant that he recently worked with Quentin Tarantino, giving a short but memorable performance as a member of the Manson Family. One Upon a Time in Hollywood, The other three selections, like it a lot a woman under the influenceAll are incredible acting showcases filled with explosively powerful performances, so it’s no surprise to see Butler take the stand.

About this east of eden, James Dean is Butler’s favorite actor, and Butler was so impressed by the film that he reportedly watched it every day for a week. Hopefully, unlike James Dean, who died tragically too young, Butler has a long career ahead of him.

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(Tags to translate) Austin Butler(T) Gena Rowlands(T) John Cassavetes

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