The regime left Juana Bacalao in hospital with no conditions and lack of medicines

Juana Baclao’s condition is still reported to be critical; However, the most serious thing, apart from the fact that some pro-government “media” have already killed him, is that they refused to take him to the “Hermanos Ameijeras” hospital, where the military hospital’s own Health workers also assure that Juana’s conditions will improve.

In an episode that has begun to generate outrage and concern among the family, friends, doctors and nurses at the “Carlos J. Finlay” military hospital in Havana, all Cubans, the singer is best known for his work on the international scene. Juana Baclao He has been described as “in a state of abandonment” by those close to him and the hospital personnel involved in his care.

According to at least three sources close to the room where Juana is located, who was declared dead yesterday, such as “media cueva live And this Communications Directorate of Cuban RadioWhen the singer reached the military hospital, there were not even the antibiotics required for her treatment.

According to completely reliable sources, several people, Juana’s relatives, friends, and even the ward’s own health personnel, requested that Juana be transferred to Hermanos Amigeras Hospital, one of the most prestigious hospitals in Cuba. Go where he can receive medical care. More appropriate.

However, “health officials have refused to transfer him,” one of the sources said.

The source said Juana has also been “abandoned” by Culture Ministry figures, whom she described as “racist”.

“All those white people, well-fed, what are they doing? He did the same with Fernando Rojas himself when he requested authorization for the treatment of his son in the Amajiras Hyperbaric Chamber. It seems like not only have they abandoned him, they don’t even want to save him.” A Culture Ministry source was clearly upset, claiming to be aware of “every minute of its development”.

“It is indecent that Juana is here. Haven’t you seen what that hospital is like? “it’s dirty!” Said the journalist, who identifies himself on the network as Ciro Quartel, a man with all the credit in the world and who assures that just two days ago they sent him photographs of the military Finlay, which he did not publish is, but they are “You can believe that a hospital in Cuba is the worst.”

The Cuban Music Institute said on its official Facebook profile that it “kept updated” on Juana Bacalao’s development, however, journalist Ciro Cuartel strongly rebuked them, questioning whether they had planned to transfer Juana to a hospital in better health. What steps have been taken for. conditions.

Hermanos Amijeiras Hospital, located in Havana, is known for providing better quality medical care and being better equipped than other hospitals in Cuba. The authorities’ refusal to transfer Bacalao to this hospital has been interpreted by many as a sign of the regime’s indifference to the health and welfare of its most respected citizens.

Known for her unique contribution to music and entertainment on the Cuban landscape, Juana Bacalao has been an emblematic figure of the island’s culture for decades. At the age of 98, the singer has recently faced serious health issues, due to which she has been admitted to a hospital which, according to sources, lacks basic resources including the medicines required for her treatment.

The case of Juana Baclao has exposed the reality of a health system in crisis and highlights the urgency of addressing these critical issues to ensure that all people in Cuba, regardless of their situation, have access to the medical care they need. receive the care they deserve. The international community is watching with concern, hoping that immediate measures will be taken to improve the situation of the beloved artist and, by extension, many others who find themselves in similar situations.

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