The Taliban carried out a new public execution in front of thousands of people at a stadium in northern Afghanistan

This screenshot from a video taken on February 22, 2024, shows Afghans leaving a football stadium after attending the public execution by Taliban officials of two people convicted of murder in Ghazni. (AFP)

The Taliban on Monday publicly hanged a man convicted of murder in northern Afghanistan in front of thousands of people at a sports stadiumThis was the third such death sentence in the last five days.

The hanging took place with great spectacle in the city. shibirghancapital of the northern province of JavjjanWhere? The brother of the murdered man shot the prisoner five times with a rifle., according to an eyewitness. Security around the stadium was tight, the witness said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

this was also Fifth public execution since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in August 2021When US and NATO troops were in the final weeks of their withdrawal from the country after two decades of war.

This event was ominous as the Taliban began carrying out severe public punishments (hanging, flogging and stoning), implementing an “eye for an eye” rule soon after coming to power, despite early promises of a more moderate government. Which rewards the criminal with the same loss. The sentences are similar to those handed down under Afghanistan’s previous government in the late 1990s.

Taliban government officials were not immediately available for comment.

The United Nations has strongly criticized the Taliban for carrying out public executions. Europa Press/Contact/Saifurrahman Safi

The statement said Monday’s death sentence was imposed after the approval of the country’s three highest courts and the Taliban’s supreme leader Mullah. Haibatullah Akhundzada. The person killed was identified as Nazar Mohammad People from Bilcheragh district of Faryab province were killed khal mohammedEven from Faryab. The murder took place in Jawajjan.

On Thursday, in the southeastern province of Ghazni, the Taliban hanged two men convicted of stabbing their victims to death. He identified them as Syed Jamal from the central province of Wardak and Gul Khan from Ghazni, although it was not clear who carried out the stabbings, the two convicted men or others.

The statement also said that three lower courts and Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada had ordered the execution in retaliation for their alleged crimes. Relatives of the victims shot both men in a sports stadium while thousands of people watched.

This has been said in separate statements of the Taliban Supreme Court A man and a woman convicted of adultery were flogged 35 times in the northern province of Balkh During the weekend. Two more people were flogged in the eastern province of LaghmanEven during weekends; Each was given 30 lashes for allegedly committing immoral acts.

The United Nations has sharply criticized the Taliban for carrying out public executions, floggings and stonings since taking power and called on the country’s rulers to end such practices.

(With information from AP)

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