The United States attacked underground warehouses of three Houthi rebels who pose a threat in the Red Sea

The United States struck underground warehouses of three Houthi rebels who pose a threat in the Red Sea (Caitlin Watts/US Navy via AP/File)

He US Central Command (CENTCOM) reported this Saturday that its forces They attacked three underground warehouses used by Yemen’s Houthi rebels to launch its campaign against Merchants and warships in the Red SeaScene of increasing tension since the end of November.

“CENTCOM forces did self defense attack Against three Houthi underground storage facilities in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen Iran supported Houthi terrorists“The US military said in a statement.

These raids were targeted damaged the rebels’ military capabilities While carrying out attacks in the Red Sea, where in recent weeks At least three sailors have diedwhile they have Humanitarian aid shipments to Yemen disrupted and has caused serious disruption to global maritime trade.

“These actions are necessary to protect our forces.” Ensure freedom of navigation and make international waters safe“For U.S., coalition, and merchant ships,” CENTCOM said, adding that these warehouses “present a.” Threat“For his armies.

New Houthi recruits march during a parade in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in Sanaa, Yemen, on March 7, 2024. Reuters/Khalid Abdullah/File

In mid-January, the United States and the United Kingdom launched a Bombing campaign on Houthi military targets In response to them in Yemen attacks in the red seaHowever the rebels claim that this has not reduced their abilities to continue their operations against commercial shipping.

The note did not specify which area of ​​Yemen the US raids took place, although a Houthi spokesman said, mohammed abelsalamSaid on his X account that America attacked several targets in the capital, FuryControlled by rebels since 2014.

According to confirmation, the bombings targeted military sites, although they caused panic among the civilian population of Sanaa. efe,

The Houthi spokesman indicated that these US strikes would not deter Shia fighters.Continue attacks on Israeli ships Or for those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine”, within the framework of the war in Gaza they have been taking action since last November 19.

The Marlin Luanda ship caught fire in the Gulf of Aden after being hit by an anti-ship missile fired from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen. Europa Press/Contact/Indian Navy

Last week the Houthis announced that they would expand their attacks ships belonging to israel in the Indian Ocean, with the aim of completely disrupting the navigation of ships bound for Israel from Asia.

The Israeli army said on Thursday that its air defense system They managed to intercept a “suspicious object” launched from the Red Sea Before entering Israeli airspace.

According to information received from the newspaper, the Israeli military, which responded to the incident, reported that residents of the city of Eilat in the south of the country witnessed a large explosion. israel time,

The US Defense Department estimates that Houthi rebels have attacked civilian and military ships passing off the Yemeni coast. on at least 50 occasions Since the Israeli invasion began.

This photo shows the UN Security Council meeting on attacks by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea at the UN Headquarters in New York on January 3, 2024. Europa Press/Contact/Manuel Alias/File

These repeated actions resulted in the fact that, on this very Tuesday UN Security Council Issue condemnation and call for their immediate closure in both the sea and the strait in question bab el mandeb And this Gulf of AdenTo remind terrorists of international law and rights supporting the practice of navigation.

Members expressed their disapproval “in the strongest terms” of the attacks that began last October and have already occurred Three crew members of MV True Confidence have lost their livesinjured many people and even led sinking of mv rubimar, He also demanded immediate release of officers on board MV Galaxy LeaderKidnapped for more than 100 days.

As a result of the “negative impacts” of these events on trade, security and the environment, members recalled in their writing “the importance of improving international and regional cooperation to counter threats to peace and security.” , called for de-escalation in the Red Sea to preserve the peace process in Yemen and “try to avoid further escalation with potential multilateral consequences.”

(with information from EFE)

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