They say goodbye to the Cuban doctor killed in Puerto Padre

Family, friends and colleagues said goodbye to Cuban doctor Ivan de Prada this Monday, Murdered for stealing his motorcycle in Puerto Padre, Las Tunas,

According to reports on social networks, De Prada was murdered on Saturday night, January 27, but his body was found on Sunday morning at the entrance of the “Assault to the Powder Magazine” cooperative.

“With deep pain, colleagues, fighters’ unions and family members held an honor guard to say goodbye to Doctor Iván de Prada,” he wrote on Facebook from the Municipal Health Directorate in Puerto Padre.

Facebook Capture/HR Health

The doctor’s death shocked the people of the city of Las Tunas, who took to the streets with the coffin in gratitude.

Facebook Capture/HR Health

“We will never forget his blushing face when they told him he deserved a position for having such a big heart. Nor in every sense of recognizing them collectively,” he expressed in his farewell at the municipal cemetery.

When the news was announced, many people reacted with surprise because these types of incidents are occurring repeatedly in Cuba, under the passive gaze of the authorities and police.

“Oh my God, but what’s happening in Cuba is beyond comprehension, do you know who they murdered? A man who loved everybody, who helped everybody, didn’t mess with anybody Did. Where did it come into Cuba from?” An elderly woman.

“How long! Today I received the sad news of the murder of Doctor Iván de Prada, who lived in Puerto Padre, a noble, helpful man, the first victim of the social collapse into which my country had sunk. For a motorbike “Gentlemen, a lump of plastic and metal ended the life of such a good person,” lamented Alberto Rodríguez in the Facebook group “Revolico Puerto Padre.”

The truth is that crime and theft from drivers is a widespread evil throughout the island, until recently, Cuban motorists report they are afraid to go out at night due to increase in crimeWhich has already taken the lives of many of those who were attacked for stealing the means of transport.

“We are already afraid to go out at night. We cannot go anywhere, because we are afraid that they will take our motorcycle at the traffic lights. The point is not that they will take it away from us. The problem is they take your motorcycle and stab you, they stab you, and they ain’t one, they’re a stack“Declared one.

Many drivers agreed that it was very easy to sell the motorcycles on the black market due to the lack of registration.

(TagstoTranslate)News from Cuba(T)Video(T)Murder(T)Crime(T)Las Tunas(T)Cuban Doctors(T)Death(T)Robbery in Cuba

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