UCA researchers lead PhytowellFish project to improve animal welfare and fish quality

The Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cadiz (UCA) is leading the project “Application of phytogenic nutraceuticals in aquaculture to improve animal welfare and meat quality (Phytovelfish)”.

Coordinated by Ismael Jerez Sepa and Juan Miguel Mancera, the project, with funding of 236,264.37 euros, seeks to improve animal welfare and the quality of aquaculture products through the use of phytogenic nutraceuticals in fish diets.

In the context of global climate change and socio-economic instability, this initiative, as they explain, emerges as an innovative and sustainable response.

The project addresses the growing demand for high quality aquaculture products while ensuring animal welfare and sustainability of the sector. A series of in vivo trials will be conducted to evaluate the effects of the administration of phytogenic nutraceuticals in various aspects, from stress regulation to physicochemical and microbiological quality of the final product.

Public-private cooperation, as they say, is fundamental in this project, with the participation of companies such as Bedson ESPA SL and Technovit Y Vitamin SL (Technovit), which will contribute their experience in the design, manufacturing and quality control of the products. . Involved. ,

The expected results cover both practical applications, such as improving the final quality of meat and freshness of aquaculture products, and scientific advances, providing important information on the effects of phytogenic nutraceuticals on animal welfare and nutritional quality.

Furthermore, the project will contribute to academic development, providing research opportunities in the Degree in Marine Science, Master in Aquaculture and Fisheries and Interuniversity Master in Agri-Food at UCA.

At a time, as they indicate, when animal welfare is a priority for both legislators and consumers, the PhytoWellFish project marks a step forward towards more ethical, sustainable and high-quality aquaculture.

The project is part of the Complementary Plan for Marine Science and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which aims at research, development and innovation (R+D+I) projects.

(tags to translate)aquaculture

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