“Virtuous sustainability”, imaginary story about economic “achievements” in Maduro’s year-end message

X: @presidentialeven

In his year-end message, usurper Nicolás Maduro shared his optimistic vision of the alleged achievements to be made in 2023, focusing especially on the consolidation of economic growth. However, behind the President’s statements lies a dubious reality that casts doubt on next year’s developments.


Maduro outlined eight action fronts that, according to him, should guide this year’s achievements, highlighting the diversification of economic models as a priority. However, these statements leave out important information about the actual economic situation of the country.

Similarly, he assured that he proposed to focus on concrete actions to influence productive growth in various economic sectors. He also highlighted initiatives to address oil rentierism and dependency, as well as the creation of alternative formulas to “neoliberal” recipes.

“We have achieved important balances in the war economy and only by preserving those balances can we move into a phase of good stability. The next step,” he stressed.

(tagstotranslate)Nicole\u001s Maduro

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