What is a “vision board” and what is it for?

A “vision board” is a visual tool that allows you to graphically map out personal goals, desires or aspirations.

According to some analysts, materializing projects will allow you to connect with the feelings, emotions, and energies you want to manifest.

This tool is also known as a “vision board” in Spanish. It involves collecting images, words and objects that symbolize or represent the objectives that a person projects for his or her life. This board serves as a visual reminder of our goals to help us stay focused and motivated.

How to create a ‘Vision Board’?

To start creating a vision board, it will be important to be very clear about the goals and objectives you want to achieve in 2024, such as:

  • Personal aspects – body, wellness, health, meditation, exercise.
  • Creativity, learning – hobbies, education.
  • Social – Friendship, relationships, bonds.
  • Professional and work.

Next, print or cut out images that reflect most of your desires, which will serve as “inspiration.” Similarly, gather your photos, as they will help you visualize the goals you want to achieve in 2024.

Ultimately, make the cut based on your tastes and needs, but above all on your objectives.

With information from TV Azteca.

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