What is millet and what are its health benefits?

Foods recommended by WHO for a healthy diet include grains such as millet (freepicked).

there is Eat That can save lives, and that’s no exaggeration. Not without reason, for World Health Organization (Who)“carry one Healthy Diet helps throughout life prevent malnutrition In all its forms, as well as in different Disease Non-Communicable Diseases and Disorders”.

WHO indicates that a healthy diet for adults should include, among other foods, unprocessed whole grains, which include Dearwhat’s wrong with it Many health benefits. Anyway, in any case, you have to Consult a health professional on this matter.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it contains vitamins and minerals Whole grains or cereals – such as millet – “Important for general health are: high fiber content These foods may help to: Lower bad cholesterol levels; Increase good cholesterol levels; reduce insulin levels; low blood pressure; Give a feeling of satiety which can help in losing weight or controlling it.

Millet is known for its many health benefits including high fiber content that helps control cholesterol (Getty)

Meanwhile, experts at the US Health Center say that various studies show that high fiber diet They reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer of the large intestine and rectum, also known as colorectal cancer.

In that regard, a 2021 study suggested that consuming millet can reduce total cholesterol and level of Triglycerides, Researchers analyzed data from 19 studies involving nearly 900 people.

The study was led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and published in the journal. Leader in nutrition. “This latest amendment emphasizes the potential of millet as a staple crop that has multiple health benefits. “This reinforces the evidence that eating millet may contribute to better heart health by reducing unhealthy cholesterol levels and increasing levels of whole grains and unsaturated fats in the diet,” they said in a statement. ian givens Co-author of the study and director of the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health (IFNH) at the University of Reading.

According to research analyzed in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, millet contributes to heart health (Freepik)

Whereas Sita AnitaThe lead author of the study and a nutritionist at ICRISAT contributed: “We were very surprised by the number of human studies already conducted on the effect of millet on elements that influence cardiovascular disease, and this is the first time that anyone has looked at these. Compile all the studies and analyze their data to prove the significance of the effect. “We used meta-analysis and the results showed a significant positive effect on heart disease risk factors.”

The research showed that consuming millet reduced total cholesterol by 8% in the people studied, from high to normal levels. Additionally, blood levels of very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (commonly considered “bad cholesterol”) and triacylglycerols decreased by approximately 10%.

Some people consider millet as a possible replacement for rice. In that sense, the Mayo Clinic advises that, “to add more whole grains or cereals to meals and snacks,” it is possible to replace white rice with brown rice, wild rice, bulgur wheat, barley or other grains or cereals. ” ,

In some cases people can eat white rice with millet. In any case, you should always seek advice from a health professional (illustrative image infobay)

Along the same lines, in MedlinePlus, the online information service provided by United States National Library of Medicineestimate that “refined grains, such as those found in baked goods, white bread, crackers and white rice, also contain starch. However, they lack Vitamin B and other vital nutrients unless marked as ‘fortified’. “Foods made with refined or ‘white’ flour contain less fiber and protein than products made from whole grains and don’t help you feel full.”

Millet can be consumed in salads, soups and even with sauces that usually accompany pasta or rice. For any of these cases, the grains should be cooked in the following manner.

  • One cup millet.
  • Two cups of water.
  • salt to taste.

Heat salted water in a pot until it boils. Later, add the millet and reduce the flame so that it cooks for 20 minutes. Strain and use as per recipe as desired or refrigerate. In some cases, millet may be added to the broth or toasted before cooking with water.

The preparation of millet requires simple cooking with water and salt (Pixabay)

Another recipe with millet: whole wheat irish bread, by mayo clinic

  • Two cups whole wheat flour.
  • One spoon baking powder.
  • One-fourth cup ground flax seeds (flax meal).
  • Half teaspoon baking soda.
  • a quarter cup Millet flour (millet flour).
  • One teaspoon parsley, crushed.
  • Two tablespoons wheat gluten.
  • One-fourth teaspoon salt.
  • One-fourth cup skim milk or low-fat buttermilk.
  • Whites of two eggs.

Heat the oven to 170°C. In a large bowl, sift the dry ingredients. Place milk and egg whites in a separate bowl. mix well. Add egg and milk mixture to dry ingredients. Mix until thoroughly moistened. Lightly grease the bottom of a 5 by 8 inch loaf pan. Place the dough in the mould. With a sharp knife, make a slit lengthwise in the dough, about a quarter inch deep. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes. To check for doneness, insert a skewer or knife into the center of the bread. It should come out clean. Let cool completely on a cooling rack before slicing.

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