What is the best exercise for memory according to Harvard?

researchers of Harvard has evaluated how regular physical activity affects cognitive functions. Although it is not known which physical exercise is better than another for improving memory, almost all research points towards one in particular.

One of the basic pillars supporting a healthy life is physical exercise. Until then, there will be nothing new under the sun. At bone, muscle, heart level… The benefits of sport are numerous and varied, both physically and mentally. Now, Harvard has shed light on how regular physical activity benefits the brain and, specifically, memory and thinking skills.

The organization has indicated that Exercise produces chemicals that stimulate the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, as well as the existence of brain cells. “There’s a lot of evidence behind this,” said Scott McGinnis, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, who noted that following a moderate physical exercise program for six months showed an increase in brain regions.

Additionally, exercise improves mood and sleep as well as reduces stress and anxiety. All these parameters, in turn, influence cognitive functions. Although it is not known which physical exercise is better than another for improving memory, Almost all research has focused on one: walking., However, according to Harvard neurologists, “other forms of aerobic exercise that get the heart pumping are likely to produce similar benefits.”

A meta-analysis Recent studies evaluated different exercise parameters (frequency, intensity, duration, type or quantity) and their effects on cognitive function in children, adults and older people. The investigation concluded that Physical activity benefits general cognition and all subcognitive levels, especially aerobic and resistance exercise. Of all age groups, older people showed the greatest benefits of exercise on global cognition, executive function, and memory.

How to get the most benefit from exercise

Harvard recommends the following to ensure that regular exercise has an impact on improving cognitive function:

  • Try to do sports at moderate intensity, Like brisk walking 150 minutes a week.
  • Start with a few minutes a day And increase by 5 to 10 minutes each week.
  • have patienceSince several studies have shown that it takes about six months to achieve the cognitive benefits of exercise.

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