Who is Alondra Mercado? Beauty queen arrested for ammunition smuggling

Alondra Mercado was crowned Miss Bolivia World 2020 Arrested for smuggling ammunition Last December 19th.

According to information from the Bolivian portal Los Tiempos, the 22-year-old model appeared before the Public Ministry after a search because more than 100 rounds of ammunition were found at her home, some of which were for “weapons of war”.

The Beni prosecutor, Gerardo Balderas, described what was found in the house where Mercado lived with her boyfriend, Andrés Vásquez, who He is a fugitive from justice for allegedly leading a drug trafficking network.,

“At the scene, a bag containing 110 7.62 caliber AK-47 projectiles was seized. We are talking about war weapons, besides seven 38 caliber ammunition, three 22 caliber ammunition and five 9.21 caliber ammunition,” he said. Also includes ammunition and a magazine.” In the program ‘La Revista’.

The former beauty queen has been kept at the Trinidad Women’s Center since December 21 following a judge’s order. preventive detention for 30 days, while the relevant investigation is being conducted. However, the Public Ministry filed an appeal to extend the period of detention to 180 days, Los Tiempos reports.

Gerardo Balderas reported that the first test conducted on Alondra Mercado’s luxury vehicle tested positive for cocaine.

Who is Alondra Mercado?

Alondra Mercado-Campos, 22, studied for a degree in psychology at the Autonomous University of Beni. She is the eldest of four daughters of Cristian Mercado and Shirley Campos.

She has been crowned queen in four important beauty pageants in her country: Miss Queen of Carnival 2019, Miss Beni 2020, Miss Bolivia World 2020 and Miss Charm Bolivia 2023.

Her Instagram profile includes the Alondra Mercado Moda account, which has no publications, but it is believed that she was working on a business project that would have “shipments throughout Bolivia”.

In his personal profile he showed family photos, as well as photo sessions, among other topics.

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