Why do experts consider it a silent epidemic?

Q: I had depression that did not respond to antidepressant medications or psychotherapy. I consulted and they asked me for some tests. They gave me anti-inflammatory medication and put me on a diet. Today my condition is excellent. (Nadine Pomariz, La Plata)

Recently, medicine is realizing that chronic inflammation can A silent and deadly process that contributes to the origin of countless diseases: Heart, Cancer, Diabetes, Depression, Alzheimer’s, Stroke.

Magazine already in 2018 Nature Published research indicates that more than 50% of deaths in the world were related to chronic inflammatory processes of low intensity.

chronic inflammatory process It may be so underground that many patients and professionals may not be aware of it Since they usually express themselves with manifestations or symptoms from which the patients gradually free themselves. And, even more so, if markers of inflammation are not also measured in the blood.

feeling tired for a long time, Weakness and lack of physical resistance, emotional decayFrequent colds, discomfort, frequent infections, widespread body aches, abdominal discomfort or distention, changes in bowel movements, allergies, skin, nail or joint disorders are some of the possible manifestations.

Chronic inflammation may also contribute to Alzheimer’s. / Shutterstock photo

Acute inflammation is a normal process And is essential through which the organism protects itself from harmful substances of various nature that can harm it.

But in persistent or chronic inflammation, a kind of domino effect occurs:

1) A stimulus activates the immune system.

2) It responds by attacking and defending itself with the necessary immediate inflammatory response.

3) Once the harmful stimulus has been canceled the immune system slows down its activity (it’s common).

4) But, on the other hand, if its reaction is not stopped and is extended indefinitely, chronic inflammatory processes arise.

5) The extent to which it persists Damages cells, organs, and blood vessels, leading to loss of normal functions The risk of organ damage and health problems increases.

what the studies say

Various studies show how Western societies face this type of chronic inflammation epidemic because our immune system must adapt to different threats.

The importance of some predisposing factors should be highlighted:

1) Mental stress and always being worried.

2) Live fast.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor quality diet lead to chronic inflammation. / Shutterstock photo.

4) Poor quality of food.

Regarding the latter, there is a clear generational component as it is not eaten like our grandparents did nor is the quality of food the same.

It has been added that Consuming anti-inflammatory foods, such as excess sugar, processed oilsSmall amounts of olive oil, low intake of fish and high intake of red meat, sausages or canned foods.

Reference should also be made to the lack of quality of current medical care, and not because there are bad professionals, but because of the system that forces a patient to be treated for 15 minutes and Does not allow requesting research or studies to evaluate levels of chronic inflammation Present or know your lifestyle.

There is a tendency to treat or eliminate the symptom rather than finding its cause. Even less, aim for prevention.

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